finasteride and SEX



Just started a sexual relationship with a girl and I thought I would report my findings.

First off, getting a hard on is not a problem for me. And sex in general is also very good. I must say that sex without finasteride is better because it seems more sensative. Apart from that I would say it was still very good.

I also recieved some very nice blow jobs over the weekend and she loved the taste. So, people who take finasteride and are worried about what it may taste like for there wifes or girlfriends need not to worry.


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ya, i get still get freaky with my woman. Not like before of course. But last weekend we did the deed 8 times in two days.(sometimes twice in a row) i don't get random boners like before finasteride, but i get turned on at the right moments. Makes more sense than feeling like a horny dog getting a boner every hour or so.


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I get hard-ons on the drop of a dime...that's no prob. The main thing that I noticed is that I don't bust big nuts like b4. I used to be able to throw a mean nut. Now, I have to wait a couple days to throw a big one.


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I still get 'em even at the slightest sexually arousing event with my gf, and I agree that even though the sex is still good it DOES feel less sensitive. I have no problems doing the deed while drunk, the problem is finishing. I can't seem to get enough sensitivity to finish, so I'm perpetually on the verge. Kinda annoying...

Green Soap

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Let me be the first to tell you guys, that whole sexual peak thing is overblown. I just turned 30 (good god!) last month and I still have to bust a nut at least twice a day or I go nuts.

When I was 18 I walked around with a perma boner, sure, but I still just GOTS to have it.

Hope that makes you feel better. Just use protection. I've made it this far with no DISEASES (get tested, 1 in 5 have herpes, an EEEVIL disease), no wives (YES!), and no kids (HA-LELEUYAH!).


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True dat. I recently broke up with the woman and lefty's been getting a serious workout.[/quote]