finasteride before a hair transplant?


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Hello guys

just came back from a hair transplant clinic
I am on finasteride 1 mg per day the last six months

they told me to stop finasteride at least 1.5 month prior to a hair transplant?

why is that?
is that the general case?
or something they demand on this particular hair transplant clinic i went toi?

thank you in advance


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very odd they told you to stop finasteride one month prior to surgery

never heard of any cases like that

some hair transplant clinics recommend stopping minoxidil 2 weeks before surgery
to cut down on bleeding

i would do more research on it

but IMO i think you should not discontinue the use of finasteride before surgery

i would also recommend you be on finasteride a whole year before you do indeed
go for an hair transplant


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thanx for the replies guys

first of all this is my second hair transplant with this doctor he is not a scam
my first hair transplant was very successful and thats why I am going back to him for a second
he is a very good doctor with a very good reputation here and many succesful hair transplants in his record

but before my first hair transplant i wasnt usin any finasteride
no I am for about 6 months

but he told me to stop it for at least 1.5 month prior to surgery
thats what i dont understand

I know about minoxidil and that it has to be stopped before a hair transplant and why.
I was using minoxidil before my first hair transplant and had to stop it certain time before surgery
stopping minoxidil before hair transplant makse sense

but finasteride?why?


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I've been surfing hair transplant boards for ages and i've never heard that. Best thing you can do is contact your doctor.


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just asked my doctor again
he said that its better for the hair transplant to if I am off finasteride for a while
(i guess he meant for the skin, the bleeding or something like that IMO

has anybody else heard sth similar?


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Never, although I have heard that about rogaine, which I had to quit a week before.

Are you sure this Doctor your going to is good? Have you any pics of his work, or pics of your last H/T?