finasteride impotence are 18.5% and 22.6% used in combo of patients


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Hi everyone
Just thought I would share this. Most of the studies indicate the effects of finasteride are low <2% but this study shows what most of us have suspected already. That the side effects percentage affecting patients is much higher.

The link is listed below

Check out table 5
Incidence ? 2% in One or More Treatment Groups Drug-Related Clinical Adverse Experiences in MTOPS

this is for studies for Proscar, and it shows that impotence was documented in 18.5% of patients taking finasteride alone and 22.6% with a combination with doxazosin.



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You don't even have any idea what the data shows do you? Give me a few minutes here to summarize the various points for 5 milligrams of finasteride daily (5X the dose prescribed for androgenetic alopecia).

1. The study that you refer to is the AMOTS study. It was not intended for statistical analysis of adverse reactions (side effects).

The MTOPS Study was not specifically designed to make statistical comparisons between groups for reported adverse experiences. In addition, direct comparisons of safety data between the MTOPS study and previous studies of the single agents may not be appropriate based upon differences in patient population, dosage or dose regimen, and other procedural and study design elements.

I will present it in context, anyway.

Here are a few key points from the second study listed. After I finish outlining the sexual side effects from the study that ISN'T INTENDED FOR HTIS TYPE OF ANALYSIS, I will give the data that ACTUALLY APPLIES.

In groups treated for four years with 5mg of finasteride daily, the following side effects were reported (selected ADRs that had to do with sexual function). It is important to NOTE THE DIFFERENCE between those on sugar-pill (placebo) and those taking Proscar (5 mg finasteride). This is especially important, because Proscar was used in THIS study to test its efficacy and not its sides, which means that it was used primarily on older men to test its effect on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). These individuals are already predisposed to sexual dysfunction of various types.

1. Impotence

18.5% in those taking finasteride
12.2% in those taking placebo.
Difference = 6.3% increase

2. Gynecomastia

2.2% in those taking finasteride.
0.7% in those on placebo.
Difference = 1.5% increase

3. Sexual function (in general)

2.5% in those taking finasteride.
0.9% in the placebo group.
Difference = 1.6% increase

4. Abnormal Ejaculate

7.2% finasteride
2.3% placebo
Difference = 4.9% increase

5. Libido decrease

10.0% finasteride
5.7% placebo
Difference = 4.3% increase

As you can see, there are significant increases while taking finasteride vs sugar pill (placebo), however they are not in the double digits as the OP suggested. They are slightly more than was suggested by the Merck Propecia (1mg finasteride) study. This is to be expected as the population of interest for this study was on patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, which indicates that they were significantly older than those in the Propecia study. The slight increase in incidence of side effects may also be attributed, in part, to the dosage which is 5X higher in the Proscar study.


The study in question was not intended for the analysis of adverse effect incidence rates. It does support the claim that there may be significant sexual side effects in predisposed individuals. However, no conclusions can be drawn due to the nature of the study. Further studies with a larger and younger population must be conducted in order to adequately analyze the effects of Propecia (1mg finasteride) on the applicable patient demographic and at the applicable dosage which is 20% of the dosage utilized in the finasteride group of this study.


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Now to discuss the first set of data:

I am not going to analyze it as in-depth, but I will present the numbers and provide a brief thoughts and discussion. The data, as organized in Table 4, presents the results for year 1, then for years 2-4. I will thus present two sets of data for each side effect.

Incidence of Adverse Reactions (%)


Year 1
8.1 - finasteride
3.7 - placebo
4.4% increase over placebo

Year 2-4
5.5 - finasteride
5.5 - placebo
No difference between groups.

Decreased Ejaculate Volume

Year 1
3.7 - finasteride
0.8 - placebo
2.9% increase over placebo

Year 2-4
2.6 - finasteride
2.6 - placebo
No difference between groups.

Ejaculation Disorder

Year 1
0.8 finasteride
0.1 placebo
0.7% increase over placebo.

Year 2-4
0.2 finasteride
0.1 placebo
0.1% increase over placebo.

Breast Enlargement (Gynecomastia)

Year 1

0.5 - finasteride
0.1 - placebo
0.4% increase over placebo

Year 2-4

1.8 - finasteride
1.1 - placebo
0.7% increase over placebo

Breast Tenderness

Year 1
0.4 - finasteride
0.1 - placebo
0.3% increase over placebo

Years 2-4
0.7 - finasteride
0.3 - placebo
0.4% increase over placebo

My impressions: These increases with finasteride over placebo appear to be considerably closer to that of the propecia merck study. Even so, it is important to realize that the dosage is 5X greater in these proscar studies.

It is interesting that the percentage of increase appears to be less in the 2-4 year groupings. This is likely attributed to one or both of the following:

1. Some may have quit the study after experiencing adverse effects.


2. The side effects may have dissipated with time.

I could probably talk more about these studies, but I'm burnt out. I am willing to answer any questions you guys have. I just wanted to stress that the OP was, while well-intentioned, a little off base on his assertion of double-digit side effects caused by finasteride.