finasteride liver safety


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I'm doing a search to find the percentage of people who have liver problems, and the probability that finasteride will cause them in healthy people. My question is whether getting liver tests is as important for people taking finasteride as many other rutinely avoided exams are, and whether it is critical given the price. I hope others will do similar searches and post the results here. My first search shows that obese people are very at risk, near 30%, whereas normal weight people have odds less than 1 in 1000. ... _cramb=151

Lighten the Load
by author Brad J. King, MS, MFS

Nearly one third of North American children are overweight and, in Canada, 1 in 10 is obese. According to the Center for Disease Control’s Dr. Dixie Snider, overweight adolescents have a 70 percent chance of becoming an overweight or obese adult.

In order to assess a child’s risk of being overweight for his or her age, researchers use a variation of the Body Mass Index called the BMI-for-age. Unlike adult BMI measurements, BMI-for-age is gender and age specific and is plotted on specific growth charts. (To calculate your child’s BMI-for-age, see

At any age, healthy eating and adequate exercise will always be essential to an effective metabolism. Also key to an efficient, fat-burning metabolism is a healthy liver. As long as the liver isn’t overly burdened by numerous toxins, it will remain one of the body’s best fat-burning organs. Research performed at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia indicates that the majority of obese children suffer from excess liver burden (toxicity), which increases theodds of liver disease and dysfunction.

The research, which appeared in the West Virginia Medical Journal (March/April 2004), indicated that elevated liver enzymes were significantly higher in obese children compared to overweight or normal weight children. The researchers concluded that a liver assessment is recommended for children suffering from obesity. It is advisable to seek the advice of a medical practitioner to determine whether your child may have liver dysfunction.

Further research shows that it is common for obese children to suffer from liver dysfunction. The study, which was performed at the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, discovered just how prevalent this problem may be. Out of 658 normal weight children tested, not one was shown to have liver dysfunction; however, of 329 obese children (206 boys and 123 girls) tested, over one-third (36.2 percent) showed liver dysfunction.

As the connection between unhealthy liver function and an inefficient metabolism grows, it makes good sense to ensure that your child’s liver is operating as healthily as possible. Simple ways to maintain optimal liver function in children include feeding them organic foods whenever possible, and eliminating, or at least limiting, their consumption of foods made with sugar and hydrogenated fats. Also helpful is avoiding the use of harsh chemicals, such as cleaning products, around the house.

Supplements can help keep the liver healthy, too. Nutritional researchers have discovered that specialized phytonutrients–either alone or taken in synergistic combinations–can help to cleanse and re-establish healthy liver function. Some of the most promising of these herbs and vegetable extracts include artichoke (Cynara scolymus), milk thistle (Silybum marianum), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), calcium d-glucarate, and TMG (trimethylglycine, also known as betaine). Of course, when dealing with children, seek the advice of a nutritionist for recommended dosages.

Leading by example–through proper nutrition and regular activity–is always the best way for both you and your child to maintain a health weight and a healthy liver.


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I'm just going to eat the artichoke and milk thistle and skip the $200 blood tests. I hope more people post search results here, since I don't have a lot of time.


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My liver enzymes haven't budged while on finasteride. I get blood work done for $3 with my primary care, so I get em checked as needed. I think as long as you're not a slob and stay active and healthy, taking finasteride should cause no undesireable effects like gyno, depression, fat gain, muscle loss, etc etc.

If you have insurance, I'm sure your primary care won't object to ordering blood tests for you. Just say you read something about finasteride being liver toxic in some people. That should be enough.


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if you have insurance, it should be covered. just tell your Doctor you've been on finasteride, or are about to take finasteride, and want your liver tested. shouldn't be a problem. they'll take some blood, send it off to a lab, and you'll get the results in just a few days.

and getting your liver tested periodically is very important if you are taking any long-term medication that is metabolized in the liver, such as finasteride.


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liver function

Both my husband and a close friend have taken propecia for several years now with good success. However both have recently had blood tests and have returned very high Gamma GT results (and elevated uric acid levels). Has anyone else come across this?
I also have some concerns with the warnings for pregnant women not to handle the pills. I had a rare pregnancy condition two years ago and must admit to being suspicious.


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I recently had 2 blood tests since I work in Oncology and it's a fairly routine procedure considering the hazardous cytotoxics we handle.
BOTH LFT's showed elevated levels for the 2 liver enzymes - not extraordinarily high (or 'deranged' as the doctor described) but high enough to be of some concern.

However, given that within that 2 week period I had to use ibuprofen (an NSAID) for neck pain and later prochlorperazine for vertigo attacks, it was thought that these 2 medications probably interfered with the liver function tests.

The possibility of other reasons for these abnormalities shouldn't be entirely ruled out however. I'm definitely keeping a close eye on this.