Finasteride need to be balanced?


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hey guys,

1 more question on Finasteride. Just imagine I cant take the stuff some days. or I forget. Would there be any significant affects caused by this?

Some1 told me that if you dont take it properly i.e everyday, right timings etc. Your hormones get unbalanced and it starts causing breakouts etc, i.e spots etc.

is this true?


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I would agree... constistency is the key. I dont beleive taking a pill once every two day for example to fight the sides would do any good to your hair... your body is allways out of balance and this in my oppinion would cause more harm (shedding) than good.
Look at a pregnant women for is not rare to see a pregnant women loosing her hair. Her body (hormone) is changing. Of course once everything back to normal, here hair will come back.
I am not a doctor but this is the way i see it.

Might be wrong though

Far Too Young

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Finasteride is out of your system much more quickly than most drugs. Very short half life, pissed out, metabolized quickly, etc. It (in very simplistic terms) works as a knockout bunch to Alpha Reductase and diminishes its levels extremely quickly. Problem for your body is that Alpha Reductase is an enzyme which takes quite a bit of time (relatively speaking) to recuperate. Therefore the "hormonal imbalances" (which you're really seeking to create by taking finasteride in the first place) caused by 24-48 hour separations of dosages are rather minimal.