finasteride - proscar prescription? or propecia?


New Member
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Went to dermatologist.
Got a script for propecia.
Would rather be on proscar due to insurance covering it.
Since Proscar is for your prostate, isn't it insurance fraud to prescribe it for hairloss?
Or is there another way to get proscar?
Any suggestions?
I'd rather get proscar through insurance than spend a sh*t ton on propecia......


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mjd0482 said:
Went to dermatologist.
Got a script for propecia.
Would rather be on proscar due to insurance covering it.
Since Proscar is for your prostate, isn't it insurance fraud to prescribe it for hairloss?
Or is there another way to get proscar?
Any suggestions?
I'd rather get proscar through insurance than spend a sh*t ton on propecia......

No. If your Doctor perscribes it, your fine. If you lie, it's fraud. Mine did a script for proscar 1/4 pill per day when I told her the price diffence.


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I get my proscar through a company in England for 75USD. It comes with 28 pills and last a long time. Therefore insurance is not necessary. Some people on here have gotten their doctor to prescribe proscar for them even though they don't have prostate issues. This is rare because you have to convince your dermatoligist/doctor that you understand the difference and just wish to use the 1/4 of the pill becuase it is cheaper. If the doctor prescribes you propecia then insurance will not cover it if you live in the US. Got it? :paranoid: