Finasteride Shed - After How Long Did You Shedding Start?


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I want to know what peoples experiences are with sheds while taking finasteride only.

After how long taking it did you notice a shed? How did the shed compare to your usual rate of hair fall? After how long did it stop?

I have been on generic finasteride 1.25mg for just over 4 months now and I cant say I am noticing anything good or bad. No sides to note and still having the same or if not a bit more hair falling out in the shower etc. I do feel like some areas of my hair have thickened up slightly but I could be wrong. Its not really enough to say for definite.


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Shedding isn't real, it's just the delay period till the drug starts working, if it ever does. Most people who shed don't go on to have results


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Shedding isn't real, it's just the delay period till the drug starts working, if it ever does. Most people who shed don't go on to have results

When i started finasteride my shedding went off the f*****g chart. 3 months later shedding subsided and started getting regrowth.

Any drug you take that has any profound effect on the way the body functions can trigger an effluvium.