finasteride shed or not?


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Hello all,

quick question for the more experienced gentlemen.

Been on the big three for nearly two years on the dot.

I just went to my derm for a check up last week and he said my hair loss has stabilized since last year.

However, as of recent I've been shedding a lot. About 20-30 hairs in the shower but maybe five or so the rest of the day.

Is this just a shed from my regimen or is the finasteride and minoxidil losing their effectiveness?


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50-100 a day is normal and expected, so don't worry yourself over nothing.

When I shed I'll run my hands through my hair and get 20-30 hairs over and over again all throughout the day, without end. During a serious shed I go from a NW2 to a NW3 in a week or two. The hair eventually all comes back, but my point is that you will know if you're shedding.


New Member
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True, however if I have the male pattern baldness itch, does that mean I'm losing terminal hairs and not just normal shedding?


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I've never heard of the male pattern baldness itch, but I know from experience that minoxidil causes serious itching, so that might be what you're experiencing. Either lower your dose and make sure not to touch your scalp outside of the shower or just quit minoxidil for a week or so, but whatever you do don't scratch a dry scalp while you're using minoxidil or you will scratch off mass amounts of dandruff and give yourself small scabs all over your scalp. (I made this mistake a few times)