finasteride shed periods

rescue hair

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We all know that finasteride causes shedding when you start it, but when do these sheds occur? Is there just one big one around month 7, or are there several small ones spread throughout the early stages.


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I had it first in early stages on month 2 or 3 . I had maybe another one on month 7 . frankly , i still dont know when it is a shed or not :roll:


rescue hair said:
We all know that finasteride causes shedding when you start it

not nessecerally, many people never experience a finasteride induced shed.


Senior Member
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I don't really know when i'm shedding either, I just assume that when I massage my head over the sink and lose a good quantity that I'm shedding, because there are times (like right now) where I notice < 10 hairs lost under the same circumstances. So I dunno, I OBVIOUSLY associate higher loss periods with shedding, and it looks like I've pretty much been going through one since abuot month 3 or so, I'm now @ 5.5, and I might just be in the clear for a bit now. It could just start up again without warning though, never know! Don't worry about it too much, if it's a finasteride-induced shed, not likely it'll be cosmetic.