Finasteride Shed Question


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Let me start with some background. I am 19 and started college last semester. I had had pretty thick hair all my life with mild thinning the last couple of years and slight recession on one side. I began noticing what seemed to be accelerated thinning in October of last year. It got considerably worse in November-Decemeber. I started finasteride (generic propecia) on Jan 1. I noticed no considerable change until about two weeks ago I began shedding slightly less hair. However, my hair is much thinner now than it was two months ago and my hairline has taken a hit and the other side has started to recede very slightly. Is this heavy shed normal for the first 2 months and is it likely that I regrow/recover shrunken and lost follicles from the last several months?

Also I have noticed considerable body hair shedding since I began finasteride, which I assume is due to lower DHT levels.


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From what i know body hair can thin, i think thats normal. I haven't had any noticeable shed from Propecia i started mid dec last year. My dermatologist actually said that shedding is actually rare on finasteride ?? It seems everyone on here says it happens. But for me it hasn't, so idk