Finasteride Shedding 3.5 Months - Normal Or Telogen Effluvium?


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hey guys, just wanted to share my situation and get some thoughts...

I started on Finasteride around Sept. 15th, so I am right at 3 1/2 months now. I started to notice accelerated thinning around the front, temples and top of the head pretty soon thereafter (at 2 or 3 weeks in maybe) and it is continuing now. Same thing that a lot of people here describe - I had pretty decent coverage prior to starting but now the scalp is becoming more visible, esp in front. BTW - there's no doubt in my mind that this accelerated loss is related to finasteride, just to clarify up front (it's obvious).

It seems like 'common knowledge' says that shedding is normal, can be a good sign, and should start to stabilize around month 5 or so. On the other hand, have read many accounts of people saying that shedding never stopped even at 1 year and beyond.

My question is - how can I gauge whether this is a 'normal' finasteride shed or telogen effluvium? And if the later, is it possible or likely to recover from Telogen Effluvium assuming I stay on finasteride? Finally should I cut my losses and pull the plug or stick with it for at least a year? (i know, I'm playing devil's advocate with that last question haha).

Thanks for your insights....


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Oh, and I just want to add that I am taking .5mg daily. I had minimal side effects for the first few weeks (after doing 1mg and then switching to .5mg) but they have mostly subsided. I used Nizoral once every 3 days or so.


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hey guys, just wanted to share my situation and get some thoughts...

I started on Finasteride around Sept. 15th, so I am right at 3 1/2 months now. I started to notice accelerated thinning around the front, temples and top of the head pretty soon thereafter (at 2 or 3 weeks in maybe) and it is continuing now. Same thing that a lot of people here describe - I had pretty decent coverage prior to starting but now the scalp is becoming more visible, esp in front. BTW - there's no doubt in my mind that this accelerated loss is related to finasteride, just to clarify up front (it's obvious).

It seems like 'common knowledge' says that shedding is normal, can be a good sign, and should start to stabilize around month 5 or so. On the other hand, have read many accounts of people saying that shedding never stopped even at 1 year and beyond.

My question is - how can I gauge whether this is a 'normal' finasteride shed or telogen effluvium? And if the later, is it possible or likely to recover from Telogen Effluvium assuming I stay on finasteride? Finally should I cut my losses and pull the plug or stick with it for at least a year? (i know, I'm playing devil's advocate with that last question haha).

Thanks for your insights....

finasteride wouldn't be effective (maybe) if Telogen Effluvium.
Telogen Effluvium wouldn't most probably harm your hairline and it recovers without Treatments (waiting 3- 4 months up to 1 year or more).
But do you use other things right now (like Creams, Skin treatments) sometimes such treatments affect Telogen Effluvium.
Did you check thyroid (could also be a reason)
You can check it by pausing finasteride (if no shedding or decrease) for example stopping for 2 weeks or 1 month.


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hey guys, just wanted to share my situation and get some thoughts...

I started on Finasteride around Sept. 15th, so I am right at 3 1/2 months now. I started to notice accelerated thinning around the front, temples and top of the head pretty soon thereafter (at 2 or 3 weeks in maybe) and it is continuing now. Same thing that a lot of people here describe - I had pretty decent coverage prior to starting but now the scalp is becoming more visible, esp in front. BTW - there's no doubt in my mind that this accelerated loss is related to finasteride, just to clarify up front (it's obvious).

It seems like 'common knowledge' says that shedding is normal, can be a good sign, and should start to stabilize around month 5 or so. On the other hand, have read many accounts of people saying that shedding never stopped even at 1 year and beyond.

My question is - how can I gauge whether this is a 'normal' finasteride shed or telogen effluvium? And if the later, is it possible or likely to recover from Telogen Effluvium assuming I stay on finasteride? Finally should I cut my losses and pull the plug or stick with it for at least a year? (i know, I'm playing devil's advocate with that last question haha).

Thanks for your insights....
Same situation, and still thinning all over with no signs of stabilizing. Took and still taking a huge hit.


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finasteride wouldn't be effective (maybe) if Telogen Effluvium.
Telogen Effluvium wouldn't most probably harm your hairline and it recovers without Treatments (waiting 3- 4 months up to 1 year or more).
But do you use other things right now (like Creams, Skin treatments) sometimes such treatments affect Telogen Effluvium.
Did you check thyroid (could also be a reason)
You can check it by pausing finasteride (if no shedding or decrease) for example stopping for 2 weeks or 1 month.
What should happen if you have thyroid issue and you stop for a month?


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What should happen if you have thyroid issue and you stop for a month?

What do you mean by that (Stop finasteride or thyroid treatment or what) whatever

1. You can stop or start finasteride, it's no problem. (It's even better, but most people don't know it)
2. Thyroid is important for hair loss, therefore it should be the first thing to check. Thyroid treatment shouldn't affect hair loss (but it can cause the opposite "over/under function" and with that again hair loss)
3. Other treatments (Creams, shampoos ...) can cause Telogen Effluvium, therefore you should check if you have Telogen Effluvium by stopping all treatments, and find the culprit.