Finasteride Shedding and Effectiveness


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I have been on Finasteride and Nizoral for about 5 weeks now. Before I got 100 hairs during my shower every other day, and now the number has reduced to around 70. Does this mean that I am a slow responder to Finasteride or not? How long did it take you guys to stop shedding (not the ones caused by Finasteride) after being on Finasteride? Thank you.


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It has never stopped....


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So is finasteride working for you? How is your shedding like if you do not mind telling me? Thanks

5 weeks is too short to know if finasteride is working.
finasteride takes time to work and like Talmoode has said you will never stop losing hair like the ones you're counting in the shower.
You are aiming to stop losing the hair you have got now, or at least slow the process down. It took 18 months before I noticed a significant reduction in daily lost hair. But at the same time I have days when I will lose tons, and then weeks I will lose relatively much less!

So No point counting hairs, give the finasteride time to work and then reassess how it's looking after a year or so.