finasteride side effects on day 16


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I'm 33. I started finasteride 1mg 17 days ago. Yesterday I started to have some sexual side effects that have continued today, ie: can't achieve a full erection. At first no erection AT ALL, and then a little better but still not FULL. It's been 2 days (I can usually achieve 3 to 4 full erections a day if I tried). Please don't come back with placebo effect. I know by body, it was a sudden change, and I wasn't looking out for it either.

Is this relatively early? How long does it usually take to pass? Since it started so early does it mean I'm a definite candidate for bad side effects and heed the warning and stop? I'm already going to cut down to .5 mg. How long till the higher dose is through? Will it make much of a difference?

Also, I feel a few other things. A bit tired, and at the same time a bit edgy (heart rate feels a bit fast as well). I'll have to give it a few more days to see if these are just coincidence or anxiety, but the sexual side effect I'm sure of.

Thanks for any input anyone may have.


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I had something simmilar. Went away within 2 weeks. Don't sweat it unless you are fully limp for a few days, or if you are still having problems after a few weeks. Your body is just adjusting to the change in hormone levels.


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The best thing to do is talk to your doctor. However, according to Merck, men who get sexual side-effects from Finasteride usually see such side-effects disappear with time (can be as short as a few days or may take up to 3 months).

Going by that I would continue to take 1mg - 1.25mg daily and see if things resolve on their own. Playing around with dosages should not be done within the first month unless you have a serious side-effect like gyno.


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Thanks for the feedback.

I'll continue the 1mg for a couple more weeks and see how it goes.
How early did it start for you guys?

One thing I'd hate is to have stop immediately after the shedding stage.

Thanks again.


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Yeh I wouldnt be too worried, I think quite a few people get the side effects, my doctor told me if i was worried to start taking .5mg a day for a week before taking the 1mg to minimise this side effect.

I had similar side effects in the first few weeks, my penis felt sorta numb, like the feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night with your arm asleep.

Anyay, after a month or so, everything seemed to be back to normal, morning woods and all back, so here's hoping!


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I've continued with the 1mg (as per everyones advice) hoping the sexual side effects will subside. It's the 5th day with soft erection. The reason I'm writing is that I now have some pain & discomfort in the groin area. Nuts, penis, and lower stomach/pelvis area. Kinda like blue balls. Did you guys also have this and it went away? Is this also normal in the beginning? It's really uncomfortable.


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I never got any sides from Finasteride. If it is bearable I would try and tough it out for up to 3 months from the initial onset of symptoms... If not, then you could try to lower the dose to .5mg or .25mg.