So alright, I started to take finasteride around June 2015, had higher libido for first 2-3 weeks, then problems with erection for 3-4 and after that I though that it came back to normal. Around Febuary-March 2016 I started to see that something's wrong. Well - my libido was quite low. I panicked, came off from finasteride. From that time I have that thing called "hard flaccid", problems with erection and absolutely dead libido. Nothing psychological like mind fog, etc. Also - less hair, and I should tell, that I'm 20 (almost 21 now). I didn't first go to doctor, because sides suppose to disappear in 3-4 weeks to few months. So I waited, and waited, and waited. And still - nothing. Now I want to go to urologist and endocrinologist, to see what's wrong.
But to be honest - I don't even have idea what could be reason for that. Maybe some protatitis, maybe something hormonal or - it's also possibility - something psychological. Because when we're talking about my psyche - well, that's rather bad. I MIGHT have depression, I just dream to kill myself, I also absolutely hate myself and despise myself. I don't have a single bit of self-esteem, and if it's gonna continue I feel like I will visit some shooting range to silence all of my problems.
About dose - 1mg/day for around 10 months. And I'm not even sure why I'm posting it. I guess grieving and asking about possible advices. I just feel, like I'm complete piece of sh*t not worth living. I had sexdrive, but I was losing hair. Now I'm losing hair and sexdrive is dead. That's quite ironic that both of my grandfathers are around Norwood 2 and they are 70, dad is like Norwood 3 and is almost 50 and started lose his hair around 30. Uncle is over 50, and also is Norwood 3. I just have one uncle who is completely bald, yet he's further family - brother of grandmother.
I just don't know what to do besides hating myself and wanting to die.
But to be honest - I don't even have idea what could be reason for that. Maybe some protatitis, maybe something hormonal or - it's also possibility - something psychological. Because when we're talking about my psyche - well, that's rather bad. I MIGHT have depression, I just dream to kill myself, I also absolutely hate myself and despise myself. I don't have a single bit of self-esteem, and if it's gonna continue I feel like I will visit some shooting range to silence all of my problems.
About dose - 1mg/day for around 10 months. And I'm not even sure why I'm posting it. I guess grieving and asking about possible advices. I just feel, like I'm complete piece of sh*t not worth living. I had sexdrive, but I was losing hair. Now I'm losing hair and sexdrive is dead. That's quite ironic that both of my grandfathers are around Norwood 2 and they are 70, dad is like Norwood 3 and is almost 50 and started lose his hair around 30. Uncle is over 50, and also is Norwood 3. I just have one uncle who is completely bald, yet he's further family - brother of grandmother.
I just don't know what to do besides hating myself and wanting to die.