
Finasteride, Sides And Depression - Asking For Advices


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So alright, I started to take finasteride around June 2015, had higher libido for first 2-3 weeks, then problems with erection for 3-4 and after that I though that it came back to normal. Around Febuary-March 2016 I started to see that something's wrong. Well - my libido was quite low. I panicked, came off from finasteride. From that time I have that thing called "hard flaccid", problems with erection and absolutely dead libido. Nothing psychological like mind fog, etc. Also - less hair, and I should tell, that I'm 20 (almost 21 now). I didn't first go to doctor, because sides suppose to disappear in 3-4 weeks to few months. So I waited, and waited, and waited. And still - nothing. Now I want to go to urologist and endocrinologist, to see what's wrong.

But to be honest - I don't even have idea what could be reason for that. Maybe some protatitis, maybe something hormonal or - it's also possibility - something psychological. Because when we're talking about my psyche - well, that's rather bad. I MIGHT have depression, I just dream to kill myself, I also absolutely hate myself and despise myself. I don't have a single bit of self-esteem, and if it's gonna continue I feel like I will visit some shooting range to silence all of my problems.

About dose - 1mg/day for around 10 months. And I'm not even sure why I'm posting it. I guess grieving and asking about possible advices. I just feel, like I'm complete piece of sh*t not worth living. I had sexdrive, but I was losing hair. Now I'm losing hair and sexdrive is dead. That's quite ironic that both of my grandfathers are around Norwood 2 and they are 70, dad is like Norwood 3 and is almost 50 and started lose his hair around 30. Uncle is over 50, and also is Norwood 3. I just have one uncle who is completely bald, yet he's further family - brother of grandmother.

I just don't know what to do besides hating myself and wanting to die.


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You sure the finasteride is causing the depression or the hair loss?


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You sure the finasteride is causing the depression or the hair loss?
No no, that's definitely not this - I had problems with depression even before. I'm just saying that hairloss made my depression even bigger. I'm sure that's finasteride is not responsible for my depression.


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No no, that's definitely not this - I had problems with depression even before. I'm just saying that hairloss made my depression even bigger. I'm sure that's finasteride is not responsible for my depression. finasteride killed your sex drive, but the hair loss and lower sex drive is causing the depression? Gotcha. Yeah I got pretty bad depression from hair loss alone.

For the sex drive issue, are you getting no morning wood or waking up with erections either? I would completely cut out p**rn and not attempt to masterbate for a few weeks and see if something changes.


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Finasteride is linked to depression and suicidal ideation. Look it up.

Depression is kind of a subjective thing though. It means different things to different people especially if you had the problem before touching the drug.

The Baldy Man

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You are probably depressed because you are balding and had a bad experience with the only drug that can do anything to stop it. I'm sorry. I have suffered from depression too. It is hard to treat and many things can cause it.


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You are probably depressed because you are balding and had a bad experience with the only drug that can do anything to stop it. I'm sorry. I have suffered from depression too. It is hard to treat and many things can cause it.

'only drug'
theres dutasteride =]

finasteride didnt do sh*t for me.
I hopped on dutasteride and shedding completely halted went from 30-50 hairs on towel/pillow to literally 0-2, but temples still quite slowly magically receding. Meh.

if you're gonna try dutasteride though, make sure you have some aromatase inhibitor on hand in case too much estrogen buildup and you grow a nice pair of TITTIES. Letrozole once a week should be enough.

g.i joey

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go to your Doctor and get a 1 time sample of cialis.. honestly, ive had the same cialis pill on me just for backup since febuary of this year and never have had to use it, the security of knowing i have it is really reassuring in itself and rids me of any anxiety before sex.


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Well if you got the permenant ED i see no reason not to continue treatment, get on the harder stuff and im sure your hair will bounce back