finasteride sides


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I was having strong sides from Fincar for about three weeks, and now I think I'm 90% back to normal. (It's been not quite two months.) Thank goodness that's outta the way. Guess I was lucky in that area.

In the last week, I think the dreaded shed has begun. I already lose about 150 per shower every day, and now it's around 200+. All I can do now is pray to the Powers that this won't have any cosmetic consequences. (I still have full coverage, but that's precarious.)

Deaner & BHD: How are you two doing?


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hangin in there.....I've been treating male pattern baldness for almost 8 months now and can honestly say I have more hair now then when I started. Not only that but the quality of my hair and scalp has improved dramatically.

That being said, it has been (and still is) one hell of an emotional roller-coaster ride. There's days that I think my hair looks like complete sh*t and there's days (like today) where I think it looks better then it has in a few years.

Good luck and hang in there.


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That's wonderful to hear, but I'm confused. I remember your "I give up" thread in which you declared flat-out that finasteride was no longer an option because the gyno was just too stubborn. Then I recently looked at your profile again and the "I mg Propecia" was back on. What happened?


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what happened?

I decided to stick it out to see what happened? Turns out the Tamoxifen is doing a good job ont the gyno. So I'm back up to 1mg of finasteride comfortably.


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I'm doing very excellent these days. My crown is filling in fantastically, I can once again see VERY defined swirls of hair in both my crowns, whereas it used to be just a thick line of missing hair. No side effects whatsoever, even the watery jizz disappeared. I'd say my hair is improving, and my crown (and general) shedding has dropped dramatically within the last week or so (pretty much @ 2months to the day). Hope this helps!