I have been contemplating on and off for a year now whether to take Finasteride again. 8 years ago I stupidly did a small cycle of steroids and it started male pattern baldness for me although my progress of hair loss was slow it's now noticble and approaching nw3 without masking it with how I style it besides the vanity when I took finasteride years ago I noticed sides after two tablets and my junk went numb. It's now years later and im more level headed not freaking out as much as I did years ago. I watch people like Kevin Mann and hair loss show empower me to take it then I read posts on here about PFS and people's lives being ruined. I don't want to be bald but I also don't want to not have quality sex with my girlfriend. What scares me is not being able to have kids because of the drug causing infertility and the neurosteroid aspect of the drug. Is it safe or not, there's so many mixed messages about the safety of this drug. Does anyone have some black and white information on this or personal experience on trying drug again after getting sides.