Finasteride Transition Period


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I found an interesting post.

The guy basically recommends that when you start finasteride, you slowly introduce your body to it. The concept is that it would be much less of a shock to your system than if you just started taking it regularly. Over 7 weeks, you slowly introduce finasteride, then continute taking it daily after that.

It seems that the majority of sides happen in the first couple months, then fade after time. One guy there said he had to come off finasteride due to sides, but re-introducing it into his system with this method worked great.

I know a lot of guys are scared to take finasteride, so this might be an approach worth looking into. Of course this is just a theory, but you can draw your own conclusion. I would be interested if any of the finasteride newbies start, that they try with this method and post their results.

Conversely, for those concerned about permanent side effects, this may be a safer way to quit rather than coming off cold turkey. It's no question that cutting 70% of DHT out of your system is a shock. Suddenly having this DHT return to your system may be just as much as a shock for some.


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may as well just use a lower dose regularly from the outset given that over time the amount of dht inhibition is much the same on a lower dose as it is on a higher dose.

there is a cumulative effect from propecia overtime... so I'm calling BS on whether slow introduction will in the long term show no side effects or not.
It is literally user dependent.. you either get sides (short term or long term) from propecia or you're one of the lucky guys who don't.

IMO (of course) :)


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Yeah, I won't even bother dissecting the science behind this, but for people who want to 'wean' on and off the drug, I think using this method is much better than trying to cut Find own into microscopic doses. Since this stuff is flat dose anyway, this is pretty much the closest you could come to weaning.

But I guess we won't know for sure if something like this works unless people try it. I notice a lot of guys start finasteride, get sides right away then quit never to return. This may help those individuals, and help people through the initial transition. Maybe not, but it's an interesting idea.

Mens Rea

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Definately worth a shot

That said i wouldn't necessary say most sides come in the first few months. There's such a ridiculous variation here. Not to mention the flat dosage thing really limits the utility of this "weening on" approach. If you actually take it between long intervals you might jsut be reintroducing it to your body every single dosage which could actually do more damage given that you're hormones could be bouncing around like crazy.

In sum: delicate operation.


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Well I'm going to be weening onto Finpecia due to cost so we'll see how it goes.

0.25 mg for a month maybe, then 0.5 for a month then onto 1mg sound good?

Mens Rea

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sandyc said:
Well I'm going to be weening onto Finpecia due to cost so we'll see how it goes.

0.25 mg for a month maybe, then 0.5 for a month then onto 1mg sound good?

Cost? The stuff costs peanuts on


Established Member
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I'm kinda living on the breadline right now and will be for a few months.

Am I best doing it like Spex did or only taking a bit of a tablet a day? Is doing it like this more likely or less likley to cause a shed?