Finasteride users pls read(IMPORTANT)


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I am from India and I am doing research in Neuroactive Steroids for the past 18 years. I am not interested in finding a solution for hair loss. I accidentally came to this while searching for medical journals. Anyway for those people who are taking finasteride, I want you to know this before taking this medication. I hope most of you here would have known this, but still I am posting this for people who don’t know about his.
Coming to the matter, finasteride is a potent 5alpha reductase inhibitor. It not only prevents conversion of testosterone into DHT. Latest researches have shown that it also prevents conversion of progesterone to allopregnanolone(Dihydroxy Progesterone). Allopregnanolone is well known neuractive steroid which plays an important role in stress, fear, anxiety… Inhibiting the production will have siginifcant effects in Brain. Further 5alpha reductase may have a role in the formation of Dihydroxy derivative of
other hormones. This is still under research.
I read the all the research papers of Merck carefully found that there is no reference to this anywhere (these can be found in . I know why Merck has to hide this from FDA. It’s almost 6 years since Merck has got the approval for Propecia, but it had not released any information about this. When you carefully read the transcript of FDA discussion to grant approval, the role of 5alpha reductase in allopregnanolone production is mentioned at only one instance by Dr.Ko. And i feel the issue wasnt dicussed properly.
To my knowledge the human endocrine system is a very sensitive one. From my experience no one can exactly say all the roles of a specific hormone. Any qualified endocrinologist will not advise tampering it with external agents for a long period of time unless it is for a severe case. Before taking this medicine consult with a qualified endocrinologist.
As a consumer you can ask Merck to release information about this, or FDA which approved this drug . If any one who is doing research in this angle please send me a message.



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Don't buy from merck! Buy from INDIA!!!

Seriously though... we are all well aware of the neurological side effects of 5-alpha reductase inhibition. This is why I have hot flashes and regularly cry in the sad parts of days of our lives.

Thank you for sharing :)


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progesterone to allopregnanolone(Dihydroxy Progesterone). Allopregnanolone is well known neuractive steroid which plays an important role in stress, fear, anxiety…

I didn't know that =O


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Whatever dude.....You need a little more credibility than one post here to make people believe you are legit- If you are than thanks for the info.


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I didnt mean that the finasteride from India is better. The problem in neurological side effects is it wont be prominent as other side effects. Its affects your mental state in the long run. You will never know the actual reason. Nobody can really measure the extent of ur brain activity. If you dont believe me you can ask your endocrinologist. And you know what finasteride is used to prevent spontaneuos neural activity. To be honest i dont know everything in the specific action of 5 alpha Reductase. Researches are still in the nascent stage. But preliminary reports show that 5 alpha Reductase has a role in other neuroactive.
The patient has to make his own choice. Iam not trying to convince you to stop the drug . If anyone has read the FDA approval documents, you can clearly see that the FDA has stated the long term impact of this drug is unknown. Any reader would have now guessed, why Merck has to hide this from FDA. It was very obvious even during the time during their approval. The use of Finasteride in male pattern baldness is a controversial one. And this is open to debate.
I have written to FDA regarding this. I am waiting for thier reply. If the FDA agress to hold a discussion, i am ready to present my views..



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TO LJ Singh

Hey, if you want everybody to believe your theory you have to post a link to the studies you are referring to.
I am a medical student and I have read through the FDA documents regarding finasteride and they have concluded that finasteride has no affects on progesterone. (However, if you have read that it inhibits the conversion of progesterone to allopregnanolone..please can you post your link or at least which medical journal you got this info from)

I don't know bout India, but in N. America the FDA is insanely rigourous when it comes to drug approval.


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to Bruce

Hello Mr.Bruce
Nice to know that you are a medical student. Actually i had read a lot of journals regarding this. But i remeber only a few. To be honest i havent done a research in this angle. But the information found in many journals suggest that i may be correct. This research by Japanese scientists shows that 5 alpha reductase ( which is inhibited by Finasteride) is responsible for the conversion of progesterone into its dihydroxy derivativre DHP. ... 151548.pdf
I found another research which supports my views. This one shows that finasteride has a role in inhibiting neaural activity
There is also one more research by Italian scientsists ... t=Abstract
I believe that a full fledged research has to be done on this. I think very few ppl realise the gravity of the problem. I could so many young ppl taking finasteride. The FDA or Merck should clarify this or do something.



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singh -

Could you elaborate a little more on what you feel the actual *dangers* are of the neuro effects of finasteride?


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I couldnt post a reply ,since i was busy. In the meantime , I read a lot of research journals and found that Finasteride definitely blocks the formation allopregnalone. Coming to the side effects, allopregnalone has been found to play an important mediatory role in bringing down stress and anxiety. Also it is found to be an efficient anticonvulsant. Systematic blocking of 5 alpha reductase may have a significant effect in controlling stress and anxiety. ALthough these effects may not be visible immediatley.
Patients taking finasteride should understand thatthe drug is not reducing the DHT directly, rather it blocks the 5 alpha reductase II. SO i feel that the efficiency with which finasteride prevents conversion of testosterone to DHT is same for the conversion of progesterone to allopregnalone.
I also found that Merck has not done any research on this angle. At this point it is clearly evident that 5 alpha reductase will have substrates other than testosterone.
I am not telling people who take finasteride to stop the treatment. I rather feel that people should know what they are doing. Many people may not know the actual side effects. I think you can ask FDA in your country about this, and urge them to conduct a research in this angle. I think that is the best option you have.
