finasteride Users: Why Gauge Results?

Molecular Help

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Most people on here tell you to take pictures of your hair befre you start treatment, and then and varying intervals after. To see results, they say, you need to use pictures because the eye and memory is deceiving, especially over a long period of time.

My question is, why bother?

Why go through the trouble of periodically taking up close well lit pictures of the areas of your head with less hair on them? Finasteride is a treatment that does not lead to noticible regrowth usually. You may even lose hair during the time you're on it, especially over a few years. The thing is, short of a problem with side effects, there's no reason you should ever stop taking finasteride! In the worst case scenario, continued hair loss, you are not losing as much hair as you would if not on finasteride, so you shouldn't quit. Most people will maintain. Some will get noticible regrowth. But if you can't notice it without pics, does it really matter?

Sure it's nice for other people to see regrowth if you post your pics on here, but actually that leads to unrealistic expectations from what is a maintenance tool for most.

I think we're all better off putting hair loss out of our minds as much as possible. Evaluating your situation closely through photographs constitutes an unhealthy obsession with your hair situation. We're all going to lose hair eventually, and being obsessed with it, even if we're seeing results, is going to lead to dissappointment down the road. Perhaps the photos would reveal an amount of regrowth we can't notice looking in the mirror. So what? Do you think anyone else would notice what we, our biggest critics, wouldn't?

I feel better just popping the pill, and knowing I'm doing what I can. I don't wanna know my exact follicle by follicle results... they could be discouraging, or they could show regrowth/maintenance, which really wouldn't be encouraging to a non-balding person, so I don't see why I should get worked up about it. I'd rather not think about it at all like I used before I had hair loss! Don't we all wanna just not deal with it rather than have the mindset of hair loss survivors/ victors? I don't wanna have jack sh*t to do with male pattern baldness... positive or otherwise!!!!


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taking at least some pics is good just to know that the treatment is working. Also, how many people on here use finasteride alone? Hardly any. Products other than finasteride , that many of us have in their regimens are suppose to help with regrowth and we want to see it. That doesn't mean, that you have to wake up at 5 am exactly 3 month from when you started taking it , just to see the exact progress. But still...its nice to know that you are doing something, and its working, at least in the beginning of your treatment.

Molecular Help

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True, few are on finasteride only. I actually use folligen as well. But I was refering to anyone who doesn't use minoxidil really... nothing else is used as a proven regrowth agent.

Oftentimes though minoxidil helps you keep what you have too. If you start using it, you should really be committed and continue. You might lose a lot more hair than you think if you quit down the road. Unless of course it's giving you irritation or other side effects.