finasteride vs. spironolactone


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hi, im new to this forum, but already impressed as to the knowlage that many of you have gained on this subject, it is very helpful. my question is: i have been on finasteride for a month now and i can deal with being a little more tired, slight sexual sides but it has just recently made me go though some decent mood swings and thats where i draw the line! how will spironolactone comapre? when can you apply if your apllying minoxidil 1-2 times a day also? should i just start with minoxidil 1x a day and spironolactone 1x a day? thx in advance :D


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how will spironolactone comapre

Dr. Proctor has said the topical spironolactone works about as well as 1mg finasteride (propecia).

My results using topical 2% spironolactone as a single agent were similer to finasteride results, with moderate regrowth after 3 months.