finasteride works better on hairy people?

Thinning fast

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I seem to have slowed my hairloss on propecia, but my friend has had amazing results. One thing I notice about him is that he is hairy as a damn beast. He literally has body hair all over, and his beard is so thick that it grows back in about 2 hours after shaving. Is it possible that Propecia works better on him because of this fact?

Is his hairiness related to excessive DHT? Maybe thats one of the differences as to why Propecia works on some but not so well on others.


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This has been discussed earlier, and there may or may not be a connection.

Generally, people with more body hair have higher amounts of DHT; and there have been theories that there may be other causes for male pattern baldness than high DHT-levels.

So, some people with male pattern baldness-type of thinning but without heavy amounts of body hair may lose their hair due to something else than high levels of DHT.

Now, as Finasteride works by decreasing those levels, there is a possibility that those people won't see the same results.

All of this is only speculation, and probably highly incorrect.


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Hey Thinning fast, I havent actually started Propecia yet but i ordered some last week and i should get it in a few days. So far i've only used minoxidil on my hairline and i've grown little black hairs where my hairline has receeded and im hoping finasteride will help turn those to terminal now that there will be a reduction in DHT.


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my take on this subject.its probably related....cause the body might get the message to DHT if there a lot of body hairs growing...probably much of this dht is neede for the body hair effect...and some goes to the scalp....if this is the case then propecia might work better on those with much body hair