Fincar (50-75% cheaper) than Proscar


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If Fincar is about 50-75% cheaper than propecia, i am just curious as to why it's not as popular or even more than propecia if it contains the same 5mg of finasteride.


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a lot of people feel safer with the merck original as its pretty cheap if you buy it as proscar off the net
i dont think there will be much differance bettween fincar and proscar just peace of mind


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I heard the company in India Cipla that makes Fincar is trusted as Merck in U.S as in India.


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I use Fincar from Cipla and it works. It is by far the cheapest way to go, and I need that cause I'm a broke *** mofo.
I can't believe these rich bald guys. If I can do it with very minimum investment I would think that ANYBODY with a job could do it. Well, what the hell do I know anyway?