Fincar vs proscar


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"Fincar is made in India. Even though it contains the exact same chemical as Proscar (5mg of finasteride), its cost is significantly less than that of Proscar"

I looked up Fincar and it contains Finasteride and i was curious why no one mentioned it in the forums. It's 50% percent cheaper than Proscar and u can get in in 5mg.

I am 20 years old and my hair is thinning both in the back and front. i been reading these forums for a month and doing some research on other products as well. I am about two weeks away from ordering Fincar online unless i get any bad feed back about it.


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I have been using it (fincar)for some time now it it works just fine. I was on both it and minoxidil and ran out of fincar and it took some time to get it resupplied. During that time I lost tons of hair and once I got back on it (well 6-9 months later) my hair has come back so it is just a good as the real thing as far as I am concerned.

And now I have a question for you an everyone else:
Have you or anyone else delt with inhousefarmacy before?

I used to get my fincar from drugsrus but they got real slow last time and it seems they can't do credit cards anymore (or at lest without much hassle).

I have about 1 months supply left and don't want to run out like last time.
Is this company safe, legit discret??

Thanks and good luck to all.


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Fincar real or fake?

I am a little skeptical about Fincar being that it was not made by Merck. Since it was made some where in India by Cipla. I don’t knowtoo much about this company so I do not know weather or not is the pill could be real or fake.


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Cipla is like the Indian equivalent of Merck so to speak. It's a big, well reputed pharma company over there. So if you receive something that is genuinely made by Cipla, I wouldn't have too many qualms about its authenticity.



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Well if it's fake thats ok too as long as it keeps filling in my thin spot. I don't know if it's 100% the same, but it works, at least for me.
When I ran out, my thin spot starting coming back ..and now it's shrinking again and now starting to get new layers. Can't be a coincidence and no it's not the minoxidil as I have cut down (to stop the inflamation) and now use it once every other day at max.

Now can anyone tell me anything about inhousepharmacy?

Thanks and good luck to all.