Finesteride and Wrinkles/Skin?


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Is there any reason to believe that Finesteride 1mg would speed up the formation of wrinkles? The only reason I question this is b/c fibroblasts within the skin cells rely on proper levels of dht for some purpose? Propecia lowers this dht serum level 2/3's. DHT also effects sebum levels, how exactly?

I have been on finasteride for 8 months, no sides, but have developed deeper wrinkles then before. I am only 25. Maybe its just my time?


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I was on propecia for two yrs, never experienced any skin problems except very oily skin with lots of pimples. Not sure if propecia would be causing you to wrinkle.

Avodart is the drug u need to watch out for wrinkles. That stuff will ruin your face as it has mine. I just hope that if i quit or reduce it down to nothing, that my face will recover. I can kiss my good hair days goodbye though which blows.