Fingernail rubbing


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this has got to be one of the most bizarre hair loss treatments.

there's a swami in india named baba ramdev.

his tv show is watched by millions and is as popular as dr. phil.

he promotes the health benefits of yoga. i dont think he profits from all this but anyway some of his vids are available for free online.

anyway, in one of his vids, he claims that you can grow thick hair by doing yoga and by rubbing your fingernails together. just think of it as buffing your fingernails with the fingernails on your other hand.

now i have a friend (credible source) who has used this guy's techniques to lose alot of weight and improve her complexion. her brother has done the same so she mentioned the fingernail thing to me and said "what do u have to lose, even i do it after a bad haircut so it'll grow back faster".

so just for shits n giggles, while watching tv im gonna start doing this, as silly as it sounds. got nuthin to lose but more hair.


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A long time ago that was a trendy EXP treatment on all the big hair loss forums. Nobody got anything out of it but it was the "free and natural answer" for a time.


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I've heard of this too. Im not convince it can stop hair loss but i do believe it can help a little bit. Rubbing your nails together is meant to send signals to the brain that cause's it to to send more keratine fibres and vitamins round the body to initiate and strengthen growth of hair, bone, nails etc. I was quick to dismiss this idea until i read upon the science of it.


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follicle84 said:
I've heard of this too. Im not convince it can stop hair loss but i do believe it can help a little bit. Rubbing your nails together is meant to send signals to the brain that cause's it to to send more keratine fibres and vitamins round the body to initiate and strengthen growth of hair, bone, nails etc. I was quick to dismiss this idea until i read upon the science of it.

Yeah, rubbing fingernails suddenly changes your genetics to make your hair follicles DHT resistant. :roll:


I knew about this and I rub my fingernails together daily. I am not that confident but it's free and easy to do so I just do it...


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s.a.f said:
Yeah, rubbing fingernails suddenly changes your genetics to make your hair follicles DHT resistant. :roll:

Not necessarilly. Its a fact that light trauma to the nails (nail rubbing for example) is known to stimulate keratine producton for faster growth of nails. Seen as hair, bones and nails are connected and made fom the same substance the effect is passed through these other areas. Such a boost from keratine will supply the hair with more nutrients before it falls out, as nutrients are needed for growth. When hair is due to fall out at the end of each cycle nutrients are cut off from the follicles to prevent further growth. The result of which is weaker limper hair that eventually falls out, hence shedding.

A boost in keratine will prolong the life of these hairs before they fall out then dht will show its nasty work upon the new hair that takes its place.

Basically it doesnt halt or protect against dht. Dht shrinks the hair follicle's regardless as we know. All this would do is slow the shedding process by giving hair a little more nutrients which are cut off before they fall out at the end of the cycle. The result of which would be an appearance of slowed hairloss, but not stopped.


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I do yoga, and receive acupuncture but let me give a little insight. Western religions conflate moral teachings with legends (which is why lot can be the only righteous man in sodom, but also offer his daughters up for the towns people to rape them). Eastern religions do the same, but add a health and well being component. So acupuncture and yoga have many proven health benefits, but it is hard to distinguish these benefits from the bullshit.


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I have heard of this (finger nail buffing) before. I had a book on reflexology and the author promoted nail buffing to regrow hair. I tried it but wasn't very
consistent or dedicated so I can't say if it works or not. Its free though and has no side effects so why not?



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I guess the light trauma (i.e. hormesis) part sounds plausible; at least there are some areas where stressing the body produces favourable results through adaptation (one of them being exercise). Rubbing nails together for hormesis seems a bit suspect, though. Are there any studies behind this idea?


I've been told you may have to do this for as long as 6 months, daily to see results but what I heard on some websites is you have to keep your hands close to your chest and extend the thumbs out together while rubbing your fingernails. I am not sure why though.


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I never really took this seriously. In fact, I commented skeptically on a youtube video where this method was recommended and got flamed. Anyway, I got a PM through youtube from some guy who said the following:

My own case is the best case study. Today my age is 46 Yrs. Till last year I had lost more then 50% hairs. When I came to know of Balayam, I thought it to be a joke . At start even I myself was not confident (thats why I did not take my before photographs) but I wanted my hairs back and I did it because there was no cost involved in it. Frankly speaking, I myself was not convinced of balayam. It looks so simple and sounds almost incredible. I asked myself, how such a simple technique can get my hairs back, is it a joke. But I tried religiously because I had no other option. I thought, what will I loose after 9 months, except nail rubbing which will cost me nothing, virtually. But to my greatest surprise it worked, I myself was astonished with its efficacy. It is like miracle on myself. Then I decided that I will propagate it to the world free of cost. I know millions are suffereing from Male pattern baldness like I was, once.

Do Balayam as much as you can find time.

If you are suffering from Androgenic Alopecia or male pattern baldness then take my word that it will be fully cured

Because it's free, i may try to do it more regularly, cuz my hair is in bad shape. If you wanna hear from the guy who wrote the message above, click here.


I have no reason to doubt the Youtube guy, he has nothing to gain by posting his video, I believe he is sincere.

I believe that man lost his hair and regrew it, but I am not sure exactly if Balayam did it or whether it would have grown back on it's own regardless.


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I've got another hypothesis: constant contact of the fingernails with something is an evolutionary signal to the body that the nails are long enough or too long, and keratin can be directed to hair follicles from now on.

I don't believe it works, though! :D


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rubbing fingernails together ? This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!


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If you really want to have a full head of hair, rub your toenails together.*

*while standing on your head.