Finpecia, Inhousepharmacy and UK £'s and credit cards


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Ok people, I live in the UK. I have noticed my hair falling out for a couple of years. Its only become noticeble recently, and I want to do something about it! From the forum it looks like is probably the best place to buy from. The site has the price of the item I want to buy (Finpecia-Generic Finasteride) as

$52.00 in US dollers and
£36.47 in UK pounds

I looked at the exchange rate today, and I wanted to see how many pounds 52 dollars would be, and I got 27.63 pounds.

52.00 USD = 27.6286 GBP
United States Dollars United Kingdom Pounds
1 USD = 0.531318 GBP 1 GBP = 1.88211 USD

I want to purchase this item using my HSBC VISA credit card. And I would like to know even though I live in the UK can I still purchase my item in dollars as it looks like it works out a little cheaper. I also wanted to know if there are any hidden charges and if I do buy the item at $52.00 dollers will £27.63 pounds will be taken out of my account. Will my bank take any money as well. Any help would be great.


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I've ordered from the site, ordered 30 Fincar tabs, was only £23 or something. Just checked it now noticed they are out of stock. Should be ok to use your HSBC visa card, I used my llyods tbs visa card. No hidden charges that I know of, but you maybe charged some exchange rate fee or something if you order off the US site.

Bone Daddy

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I'm not sure about exchange rates, but 4-corners (in the UK) has 1 strip of 10 pills, (fincar) for 11$, or 33$ for 3 strips of 10 pills. Shipping is included in the price. Legit pills, so no worries.

Finpecia seems over-priced to me.


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Did you ever order the pills?? if so how are you finding them?


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HI mate,

I ordered the pills, and I started using them around 10 days ago. I had to miss one day as I have been really ill. Shitty British weather!

I haven't hadn't any sides yet, but I am sure that I will. I am also using Nizoral shampoo.


Established Member
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Cool so did it all work out ok? and you saved lots of money? If so I think I may be ordering from the us site in future instead of the uk one.