Finpecia working in crown area but...


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I've been using .5mg finpecia daily for almost four months now and I feel like my crown area has gotten a lil better but the top of my head(mid scalp) and front still does not seem to be getting better...what can I apply in combo w/ finpecia that is not to messy

I have spironolactone and revivo in mind...which could I use to save the top of my head?


Senior Member
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4 months is still not long enough for most of the users to notice a difference.

give it half an yr and make another close observation


I see you're using Rogaine once a day. You should be using it twice a day. Minoxidil does have a half life of 22 hours when topically applied, but Pfizer still recommends twice a day use. That could be because they want to make more money, but I'd rather be using it every 12 hours rather than every 24 to keep a more steady concentration of minoxidil.