First Pill!!


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Thank you for your continued support and re-assuring advice and words. I have just taken my first pill of finpecia at 0.25 (cut using a pill cuter into 4 pieces). I think i have done everything i could in terms of preparing for this. I have taken a full blood test including hormonal readings. i have also Spoken to 2 doctors and visited a hair restoration clinic. All baseline pics have been taken and a diary entry of how i feel generally in regards to my mood, libedo and scalp itchiness has been noted. i have also noted the average amount of hairs and what type of hairs i shed normally everyday. I'm hopefully looking to maintain and maybe regrow a little. Below are some of my Baseline Pics. Any advice interms of dosage and hair condition is more then welcomed.

Again i'd like to thank you all.


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  • Hairline.jpg
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Good job on starting the pill. I want to ask this though, why 0.25g of finasteride? If you're worried about sides, 0.50g has shown itself to be quite tolerable for most people with less noticeable sides. To add to that fact, most men dont have sides even with the regular dosage. It's just that you don't get an accurate representation of that in a .. hairloss board, the first place anyone having sides would go to and complain


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Good point. I'd rather build up to a dosage of .50mg slowly, hopefully in about 2 weeks i'll taper up to 0.50. I think safety is very important in the battle against hair loss. that way if i do experience any sides on 0.50mg then i know that quantity is an issue.


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Thank You blindfan. I typically shed on average 30-40 hairs per day. Sometimes more, but i think the amount increases because i usually dont brush my hair, i just style it out natural. As of late i've been concerned. This is my 3rd day on 0.25mg of Finpecia and i could swear that my left nipple is acting strange. Is it possible to see Gyno sides this early and on such a small dosage of 0.25mg. Could it all be in my head? or is my body just adjusting to the lowered levels of DHT.


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Well....I'm not on finasteride yet so I couldn't really answer your question. But, with that said...I do look into a lot of threads on this forum and read of alot of people scared that they might be experiencing gyno within the first couple of weeks of treatment. Generally the consensus on this board is that theres no way you could be developing gyno that fast into treatment....But hey, you should see a doctor anyway just for your safety. You seem like a pretty smart guy considering you saw all those doctors before hand and got your bloodwork checked out. seems as if alot of ppl here who try finasteride get some weird sides in the first week or two that theyre on it and then they tend to subside. Hope this helps at all.