First Shed...9 days since adding Finpecia


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I was using liquid minoxidil for 2 months and switched to foam almost 3 weeks ago along with adding Nizoral. I went through some mild shedding from liquid but nothing major. I just started Finpecia nine days ago along with upgrading to 2% Nizoral and my hair really started to shed the last two days. I've had a very stressful week so I'm not sure what the shed is from. Most of the hairs are either very small fine hairs or longer more mature hairs that are in bad condition. Kind of wiry unhealthy looking hairs. I'm a bit worried but I'll try to keep a cool head since shedding seems to mean the medications are working. How long do these sheds usually last? I would guess that I've lost 70-90 hairs the past few days. Things might get ugly if this is a prolonged shed. Either way, I'm going to stick to the Big 3 and ride it out. Only thing I've got to lose is more


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I hear your pain man, Ive been on propecia & Nizoral for 2months 1 week plus ive been on minoxidil for the last 3 weeks. my hair has shedded quite a bit for the last couple of weeks. looking in the mirror this morning & my hairloss is a lot more noticeable. i cant spike my hair up now- have to have a fringe.