first signs


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I am closing in on month two of finasteride and I am noticing the same volume of hairs falling out in the shower/while combing but the hairs falling out now include little barely pigmented ones. Is this a good sign that finasteride might be starting to work or a bad sign in any way or even a precursor to a shed?

In good news, almost all of my finasteride side-effects have subsided. The sexual stuff is completely gone and the acne is almost completely gone now too.


I think it's a positive sign to be honest. You only have another 10 months to find out if really has worked for you... :)


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Same here, im closing in on 2 months too. Still shedding a bit, but remain hopeful.
Keep your results posted, as we are about the same time in treatment :)


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I have read a lot about other people and they wanted finasteride to fill in their vertex or hairline. I seem to have only a little loss on the crown but have a lot of diffuse thinning on the top (pretty much the parts of my head you could see when you looking straight down at it). Is finasteride going to help fix this or should I start on something else as well. I've been on finasteride for two months.


It really depends on how bad the thinning is. If parts of it are slick bald without any hair then the chances are that you will not regrow back with finasteride. But any remening hair that is either dying or ready to fall out could be saved with finasteride. It could thicken up giving an overal good apearence.

This is what happends to the back of the head in where people are thinning quite badly. It does thicken things up and helps to strengthen the dying hair. I don't see why this would not work on any other part of the head tbh.

You could try minoxidil to activate dorment follicles but again, once you start you just can't stop otherwise all will be lost that you have gained.


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worried said:
I have read a lot about other people and they wanted finasteride to fill in their vertex or hairline. I seem to have only a little loss on the crown but have a lot of diffuse thinning on the top (pretty much the parts of my head you could see when you looking straight down at it). Is finasteride going to help fix this or should I start on something else as well. I've been on finasteride for two months.

It should help. It helped me big time in those areas. Click on my regimen for the link to my pics. I'm also using minoxidil and nizoral.