First Time Back After 5 Years On finasteride.. Quick Question..


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I've been on 1.25 mg of finasteride per day (5mg tabs, cut quarterly) for the past 5 years.

Have had good results, minimal if any side effects (recently noticed lower ejaculation volume).

My question is, have dosage recommendations changed over the last 5 years? any new studies etc or clinical trials?

Part of my would like to lower my dose, maybe 1.25mg Monday Wednesday Friday, or drop down to 1mg every day (difficult with cutting a 5mg pill). However I am worried dropping my dose may hinder my progress?



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Dose is purely dependant on the individual. Some very slow balders might get good growth from 0.5mg daily, whilst others have to take much more. No one can really answer this for you. Its a question of tapering down extremely slowly and just observing how your hair reacts.


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I've read a lot about dosage and the amount of dht reduction you can expect with differing amounts of finasteride. On average there not much difference between a fifth of a mg, a full 1 mg dose and a 5 mg dose. DHT reduction seems to plateau. These studies can be found in the Men's treatments section of this site.

If there isn't much difference between 1 and 5 mg then I can't imagine there being hardly any difference at all between 1.25 and 1. I think you'd be fine.

How long did you use finasteride before you knew it was helping you?

I've been on it four months and don't know if it's doing a damn.