First time on T/Sal shampoo

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Actually TSAL contains salicylic acid, which causes dry skin. This acid is also used in topical acne medications that you wipe on the face to dry out the acne so it will flake off.

My chemistry professor says that salicylic acid just burns a layer of skin off of wherever you wipe it. So yes, it will cause dry skin, which will lead to dandruff.


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Yup, it did it to me when I first started using it but than after using it for about 10 days everyday, my scalp was clean and no sebum.


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I've just started using T-Sal as well.

I wouldn't call my head a "bomb site" though.

All I can say is that with the combination of Nizoral, T/Gel and T-Sal, my scalp is in better condition than the first time I tried minoxidil 4 years ago. That time I had to quit because of the huge flakes.


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If you want to use T/SAL.....Use T/GEL conditioner instead. It contains 2% salicylic acid and leaves your hair looking great without drying it. So it's pretty much the same thing.


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Herbal Essences Anti-Dandruff shampoo also contains 2% salicylic acid.



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Youngandbalding is right
salicylic acid does burn a layer of skin off you.....just look at wart removers.....they have salicylic acid for thought.


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YoungandBalding said:
Actually TSAL contains salicylic acid, which causes dry skin. This acid is also used in topical acne medications that you wipe on the face to dry out the acne so it will flake off.

My chemistry professor says that salicylic acid just burns a layer of skin off of wherever you wipe it. So yes, it will cause dry skin, which will lead to dandruff.

I don't see how T-Sal is going to stop dandruff.
My personal reason for choosing it is because I felt like I had a bunch of build-up on my scalp, and I was hoping that T-Sal would take off some of that. Is this a correct assumption?


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TortoiseAndHair said:
I don't see how T-Sal is going to stop dandruff.
What is there to "see", salicylic acid has been studied and approved for treatment of dandruff.



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avri said:
TortoiseAndHair said:
I don't see how T-Sal is going to stop dandruff.
What is there to "see", salicylic acid has been studied and approved for treatment of dandruff.


Let me rephrase that.
According to what YoungAndBalding says, I don't see how T-Sal is going to stop dandruff. He says it actually causes dandruff.

Guess that's why you shouldn't believe everything you read in a newsgroup. :wink:

The Gardener

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T-Sal does help fight dandruff for some. The theory is that frequent and regular chemical exfoliation of your scalp will reduce the flaking, over time.

Of course, when you first go onto it, it is completely understandible that you might have a major exfoliation event as you had, big flakes and all. But, over time, the scalp should be burned down to a level where dead skin will no longer 'build up' as it did, only to have it flake off.