Flakes when scratching


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So, here's the deal. I'm using propecia and Rogaine, and was flaking pretty bad so I got Nizoral, which didn't seem to help much.
So I got T/Gel, which seemed to help some.

However, whenever I scratch, I still pull all this greasy, flaky sh*t off my scalp. Once I start scratching, it itches and flakiness and badness, but if I don't scratch, it doesn't itch, and there are no flakes.

I know that I should just not scratch, but does this mean that Nizoral and T/Gel aren't working? Is it normal to be able to scrape greasy flakes off my scalp, regardless of whether it's itching?

I just got T/Sal in the hopes that it will eat away at some of this excess buildup.

I'm also using Tricomin because I heard that was a good scalp conditioner as well, but I can't apply both minoxidil and Tricomin in the moring before work, so it doesn't do me much good.

Any other ideas? If this doesn't stop....:(