Fluridil - reduced shedding on half dosage, and general app.


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I've been applying Fluridil/Eucapil for just over a week now.

It seemed to reduce shedding considerably upon the first couple of days usage, when applying just 1ml of the 2ml recommended amount.

I only stumbled across this as I had trouble getting all of the 2ml out of the first capsule.

I started applying all of the 2ml and the shedding doesn't seem as reduced.

I'm pretty sure I'm not imagining this. If I can get away with making a months supply last twice as long, then great, as it's not that cheap to buy. Also, it's only the early stages of male pattern baldness and there isn't a large area to apply to.

Also, does anyone know:- will it work on frontal/side hairs, or is it more for the crown area (like with Minoxdil)?


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I've been on Fluridil for 3 days now and I started with 2 ampules a day. I think it would be better off using 2 ampules per day, unless you just started balding/thinning recently. Especially if you are losing hair all over in a diffuse pattern.


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keep us posted guys, I am debating whether to jump on Eucapil or RU for the time being so am curious to see how people do on both! :)


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I've been using 1 amp for the last few days applied in the evening after a shower ( but long enough so hair is fully dry) and the shedding has definitly slowed.

My only issue is that I get a headache afterward. I'm sure with use that will go away with time though.

I still plan on getting on RU though, this is just to hold me over.

Also to rule out other factors I quit using tricomin and nizoral. I only shampoo with nioxin EOD.