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Fluridil overall seems like a great product with lot of scientific backing ( published papers and stuff ). What do you guys think about it, kindaa expensive too. Also, Can we buy it in the US ?


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If I recall correctly, there's only ONE published paper, and that was done by the guys who make the stuff. I don't think it's ever been independently tested, which is very troubling for me...



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hairhaircomeagain said:
Fluridil overall seems like a great product with lot of scientific backing ( published papers and stuff ). What do you guys think about it, kindaa expensive too. Also, Can we buy it in the US ?

Hi there. I was looking into this drug too, in comparison with spironolactone.

A few people have had success with it - powersam, bluesmiley, are two i know of.

Here was my comparison:

Pros - Only applied once a day, very easy to apply using the ampule in comparison to a spironolactone cream, a clinical study backing it up
Cons - Much more expensive than spironolactone, must be applied on a completely dry scalp which makes other wet topicals out of the question at the same time, the clinical study was conducted by the makers of fluridil

Pros - A number of studies show it's effectiveness as an antiandrogen - none of them biased, can be very cheap, one of the most potent antiandrogens known to us, has been used for years.
Cons - Probably needs to be applied twice a day, the 5% cream is hard to use on dense hair and the 2% lotion wasn't effective according to a hirsutism study.

In my mind, spironolactone is the clear winner if you're taking the plunge. Fluridil has some great potential if it works for you however.


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the manufacterer sells it at eucapil.com. i bought a 3 month supply and am still waiting for it.

bryan, do you know how to make hydroxyflutamide from flutamide?


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its been a while since i posted here. bryan showed us a table that had flutamide about 2% as strong as DHT, hydroxyflutamide about 4% as strong as DHT, or maybe it was higher, but spironolactone was 67% as strong as DHT. i'm sure fluridil is stronger than hydroxyflutamide, but i don't know if it as strong a spironolactone.

my order arrived. it spreads very easily for a few seconds and then dries. it is a good topical for people who hate topicals, and will not interfer with dating at all.

in response to Felk, even 1% spironolactone cream works. The 2% does not work because it is not a cream. I don't know if the PPG helps absorption, or if the cream does not evaporate and delivers fresh spironolactone longer, but the vehicle is more iimportant than the dose. As long as it looks like hair gel and not white paste, I don't mind wearing it twice a day. Since I can make 5% for $15 per month, it is tempting to make 1 or 2% for 3 or 6 dollars per month.

I'm also thinking of buying 10g of RU for $300 + $90 shipping and mailing 5g to my brother for $200. I'll make a cream with free fatty acids, PPG, 70% isopropyl alcohol, maybe a little polysorbate 80 (penetration enhancer, right?), and perhaps some NANO shampoo as an emulsifier.

minoxidil absorbs best at 90% alcohol. Bryan, would minoxidil work better in a cream, if max absorption were the only goal? Just wondering if the fact that minoxidil is absorbed best at 90% alcohol means I can't assume RU would be absorbed better in a cream.


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the one thing that gives me pause about spironolactone is that bryan posted a study on here a little while back that showed spironolactone at the 3 month mark had a negative effect. at 6 months it was positive but i can be somewhat intermittent with my topical applications so spironolactone could do me more harm than good.


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that was the 1% cream vs 1% alcohol study. They split the participants into two groups, let them use it 3 months, and then switched the groups. The alcohol group always did poorly, whereas the cream group always did well, except on participant did very poorly with the cream, and the text of the study pointed that out. I think that is what you were refering to. There were 13 people and at least 11 responded very well. I still don't know if the PPG was the reason the cream worked, or it was all the slow evaporating things, or some other factors.