Flying overseas for a transplant. How is the flight back?


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Do you get a lot of stares, gasps and questions on the plane, in the airport and going through security? If you return shortly after the procedure (3 to 7 days), I'm assuming the scalp is still noticeably red and scabby. I know hats aren't recommended for a couple of weeks after a transplant but even if you could wear one, you would have to remove it going through the security check point. I guess I would have to suck it up and deal with it if I wanted to go to the right surgeon.


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you will literally NEVER see any of them again...


Experienced Member
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Everybody in the airport will laugh their *** off at you, lol.

Seriously, you can wear a hat or a bandana.


Senior Member
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That's the least of your concern, and worries.

To be frank, you will be going to work everyday with shock loss ontop of a massive red scalp for three months before the growth starts to kick in, and the native hair comes back.

Good luck trying to hide the possibility of anyone knowing you were a science experiment unless you can wear a hat, and work in a warehouse.


Established Member
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You can wear a hat on the plane. You might have to take it off when going through the security scanner, which is maybe 10 seconds of awkwardness. I'm sure those people have already seen it all, though.


My Regimen
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How about just wear a jacket with a hoodie? Throw the hoodie up whenever needed…it's loose so less concern on impacting grafts.


Established Member
My Regimen
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The redness only stays on the area your surgeon extracted the hair from. After a week the scabs on my head came off and it looked like I just had a no1 all over. The back of my head where my hair was extracted from remained sore for about 2 weeks. The redness does last a few months though, it wasn't that visible though (I could only could see it if i brushed my hair back)

if you are concerned about what people think of you then just book a hotel for a week and once the scabs are gone then fly back.


New Member
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Post operative status

Everybody in the airport will laugh their *** off at you, lol.

Seriously, you can wear a hat or a bandana.

Thats one of the main reason why I spent 15 days in Turkey, when I had my second surgery.
As you know you, you are comfortable by doing your surgery away from your house, away from people who knows you. So I decided to get it done and spent the recover time there. People don't know you, you don't have to be scared that you meet your friend and he will snapchat you :D
But honestly ı was wearing hat, its actually for the best to wear hat when you are outside.