Foam causing increased hair loss?


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Hello Everyone,

This is my first post so I'd like to thank all those who contribute in making this a great community.

I've been on Rogaine foam for about 3 - 4 months now and I must admit I am seeing some odd effects. I am a red head (albeit very dark red hair) yet have black eye brows.

I've been using foam on my hairline as it has been deteriorating for the past 3 years. After starting my regimen, I've noticed INCREASED hair loss in the areas where I have been applying it. Not only that, but it has gotten to be very disperse and the hair in these areas is coming in VERY thick, VERY short, curly and BLACK! Yes, thats right... Rogaine has changed my hair color in my hairline!!! laff*

Unsure if this is due to stress (doubt it) or any other cause. I started taking .5 propecia about 2 weeks ago and have been using Nioxin every other day. Take some daily multi vitamins every now and then to make up for my lacking diet. My old man is a norwood 5000, no hair at all... poor guy.

Any advice / thoughts would be most welcome.

Keep it real boys.


Established Member
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Lots of new products in your regime. Most likely a shed due to the shock to the body. Just be patient and try to ride it out.


Experienced Member
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Sounds like a typical shed to me. Never heard of minoxidil changing hair color. Are you taking other drugs (besides propecia)?


Experienced Member
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You must use retin a micro with rogaine
You put in the foam first and then put a little retin a over it .
it does not show


New Member
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I've searched on google for hair changing color, and I've come across a few articles stating the hair comes out "darker"... but thats about it. Unsure if I'm reacting to rogaine in some weird way?