Foam More Irritating Than Liquid!!


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I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I just started on the foam this week (I've been using the liquid for the past 2 months) and right away, I've found it to be more irritating on my scalp than the liquid was. The first day I applied it, I felt a slight tingling on my scalp. Is this sensation normal? After about 3 or 4 days of use - I'm only using it in the morning because I'm finishing off the last of my liquid at night - I wake up in the morning and my scalp is itchier than it ever was before. I use Nizoral 3 days a week, but the problem still persists. Has anyone else noticed this after switching to the foam? Could it be the fact that I'm mixing the foam and the liquid that is causing it?

So far I've heard nothing about good things about the foam, and everyone has recommended the switch. As it stands right now, I prefer the liquid.


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Yeah, I did go through about a week of intense itching. It has lessen quite a bit, though. I've never used the liquid version, though.


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yeah, another reason why I like the liquid better is because it is easier to measure the 1ml dosage. With the foam, I'm finding it difficult to measure half the cap because it doesn't spread evenly.


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I am so torn between switching to foam or sticking to the liquid. Sure the liquid is a little irritating and makes styling annoying since it takes an hour to dry, but I'm seeing some promising results 4 months into my minoxidil/finest regime.

I'm concerned that I'd see some massive shedding and lose out on 4 months progress. I only use minoxidil at the frontal sides though, so maybe if I was careful with the foam I wouldn't see too much shedding?

bleh I really don't know if its worth switching, I hope someone else can shed some more light on this subject.

think ill starti my own thread