Folligen Cream

WHU BubbleBlower

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I have been using Folligen Cream now for about 3 months on my hairline/temple area. I would apply the Folligen to the thinning area, but i would also rub it into the area were i have hair. I am now starting to thin in that area. Is that the Folligen working or is that me still receding.

I am also using Propecia and Regaine 5%.
Any help would be appreciated. My head is fried worrying about it.


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I can assure you Folligen isn't hurting you unless you are stinging real bad afterwards or you see red dots form.

And that Folligen cream, aren't you surprised how long that damn little bottle is lasting?

How long have you been using the other treatments?


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Does the Folligen cream stain your head green?

WHU BubbleBlower

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When i started using Folligen it really stung, and i always had red marks, like spots on the area i had applied too. I'm using it for a little over 3 months, and when i apply it now there is a slight tingling for maybe 30 minutes, and there isn't any red marks anymore. It just seems to be that every time i apply Folligen i seem to lose more hair. Is this the normal process.

I have been using Regaine now for about 4 years on my hairline/temples. When i started using it it definitely helped. Then last year it just seemed not to work anymore and i started really receding. I then started on Propecia. I am now on them for just over 11 months.
I am still using Regaine twice a day, taking Propecia every day and using Folligen Cream about 4 times a week.


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If you have red spots and soreness then it IS hurting you, trust me! Neat Folligen is wayyy too strong for some people (me included) and all it does is irritate the scalp to the point where it becomes red, scaly, hard and short, it damages the scalp and its ability to grow hair....if i were you i would consider buying the liquid spray stuff, and diluting it 50% with something like aloe or emu oil and see if that does any good....i lost quite a bit of hair from Folligen because it was too strong for me and it caused sore, red, shard, scaly areas and i lost hair in those areas because of it.


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forgot to mention, the hair grew back after i stopped folligen and the soreness had gone away :)


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Pickart warns against continuing to use copper peptides undiluted on skin that is too sensitive to them initially. He recommends using less, wetting the area first with water to dilute the copper peptides, or diluting the copper peptides themselves with water. Some people have to build up to the stronger cu formulas, their skin doesn't tolerate the higher concentrations of cu's right away. Copper peptides are proven effective in clinical trials. This doesn't mean they will work for everyone. However, you may want to try the route of diluting them and applying them to hydrated skin, as well as applying less, before giving up completely.