Folligen Folligen Folligen


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After using Folligen lotion for 2 weeks on my hairline, I was so impressed with how much Folligen reduced my irritation, I decided to use Folligen spray via a dropper on the rest of my irritated scalp beyond my hairline. (run on?) :shock:

Anyway, I will continue to use the lotion on the hairline, but I had a couple of questions about the spray. I should receive the spray any day now.

My absolute biggest concern is it staining my scalp. Even though I live in hot as hell sunny Dallas, I am still somewhat pale. Damn freckles.

Has in stained anyone’s scalp? How long did it take it to wash off?

I got the 8oz & 2oz bottle special for $40, so I initially plan on splitting the 2oz bottle 50/50 with distilled water(Thanks Bruce) to see how I initially react.

Any feedback is appreciated.



Cassin said:
After using Folligen lotion for 2 weeks on my hairline, I was so impressed with how much Folligen reduced my irritation, I decided to use Folligen spray via a dropper on the rest of my irritated scalp beyond my hairline. (run on?) :shock:

Anyway, I will continue to use the lotion on the hairline, but I had a couple of questions about the spray. I should receive the spray any day now.

My absolute biggest concern is it staining my scalp. Even though I live in hot as hell sunny Dallas, I am still somewhat pale. Damn freckles.

Has in stained anyone’s scalp? How long did it take it to wash off?

I got the 8oz & 2oz bottle special for $40, so I initially plan on splitting the 2oz bottle 50/50 with distilled water(Thanks Bruce) to see how I initially react.

Any feedback is appreciated.


I have left Folligen Spray on overnight for going on 10 years. Never stained my scalp but certainly my pillow!!


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I just got my order in the mail, thanks for the replies.

I hope this gets rid of the irritation. I'm just going to have to fight through the irritation if this doesn't work, since I have now tried everything.

But damn, they sure do give an ample supply. I was surprised. I would have tried this stuff long ago had I known a supply was this large. That big bottle is as big as a bottle of hairspray. I think this might last me a year at least. Not bad for $40 if it works.

I emailed Skinbiology and asked them about dilluting it 50/50 in Distilled water. It almost sounded as if they recommended it as opossed to the normal solution.


Cassin said:
I just got my order in the mail, thanks for the replies.

I hope this gets rid of the irritation. I'm just going to have to fight through the irritation if this doesn't work, since I have now tried everything.

But damn, they sure do give an ample supply. I was surprised. I would have tried this stuff long ago had I known a supply was this large. That big bottle is as big as a bottle of hairspray. I think this might last me a year at least. Not bad for $40 if it works.

I emailed Skinbiology and asked them about dilluting it 50/50 in Distilled water. It almost sounded as if they recommended it as opossed to the normal solution.

Good luck Dude


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Thanks Bruce

Wow did that stuff sting like and SOB for about 15 minutes :shock: just goes to show how shitty my scalp condition is.............

I used 1/2 a ml beyond the hairline. Tomorrow night when I get home, I am pretty much going douse my scalp in it to know 100% sure if it stains my scalp or not. If it does I guess a hat is in order for the weekend.

With my order they gave me an ingredient sheet of all products. Interesting to note that the ingredients of the Folligen Cream and Lotion is exactly the same. The only difference I have noticed is the density of the two products.

Cmon Folligen do your stuff........


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It will not stain your scalp at all, as long as you wash it in the morning. I have blonde hair so I would know. i recommend using the dropper because less will get on the hair and more on the scalp. As I'm sure you know, diluting the folligen with water will help if it is unbarable.


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can folligen help in frontal regrowth?


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Yeah I am using the dropper. I am going to give the stock dose a shot to see if I need to dillute it first. I got an 8oz and an 2oz bottle, using the 2oz first of course.

I bought some distilled water today in case I need it. 1 gallon when all I need is 4oz :lol:


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if it stings too much you can dilute it a bit with water.....or you can use aloe gel 99% or better(can get at health/vitamin store) ..folligen is obviously much more expensive and there is some science behind copper peptides..both are SOD'S.....


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Andrew said:
can folligen help in frontal regrowth?

Absolutely. Maybe it's just me but almost all of my lost hair in the frontal area (minus an inch or so from the original hairline) is coming in using the combination of Folligen spray and Emu Oil. I'll keep my avatar updated once a month. The sting lessens after a couple months... that's when you want to increase the dosage. Sting is good ;)

The photo on the left was taken about 2 1/2 months after I started using folligen and noticed baby hairs sprouting up. You really can't see them but now that they're thickening it's really becoming more noticable. The photo on the right was taken a couple days ago. Not much difference unless you look up close. Next month the growth will be more evident.


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Cassin said:
Thanks Bruce

Wow did that stuff sting like and SOB for about 15 minutes :shock: just goes to show how shitty my scalp condition is.............

I used 1/2 a ml beyond the hairline. Tomorrow night when I get home, I am pretty much going douse my scalp in it to know 100% sure if it stains my scalp or not. If it does I guess a hat is in order for the weekend.

With my order they gave me an ingredient sheet of all products. Interesting to note that the ingredients of the Folligen Cream and Lotion is exactly the same. The only difference I have noticed is the density of the two products.

Cmon Folligen do your stuff........

It will do it's stuff. The stinging will only last like 1-2 weeks and then it will go away. Then you'll be able to take it more.


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Cassin said:
Hey Bomb I noticed the spray has PPG. How much of a concentration do you think is in it? Isn't that why you aren't using regular Minoxidil?

Yeah I did notice the spray is PPG based and freaked out when I originally had my shipment arrive for the first time. I thought it was going to react the same way as minoxidil. Fortunately the PPG in Folligen is like the 5th or 6th ingredient on the list. In a regular formulated rogaine bottle of minoxidil the solution is 50% PPG. I think the healing properties of the copper peptides offset any irritation that PPG causes me. Folligen also allows me to use spironolactone 1 time a day (which is a PPG based solution).


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Well a few of those bumps got a little too irritated and turned into tiny red bumps. Maybe I rubbed them to much and they "popped" or whatever. Just 3 little ones.

The irritation has gone down quite a bit. But since those little bumps turned red I skipped Folligen yesterday and my scalp started itching again pretty fast.

So I took an old bottle of Minix and dilluted 15 ml of folligen in 15 ml of distilled water to ease my scalp into this.

I think I was using to much to start out with.

Also I find it easier to part my hair and use the sprayer than a dropper.

On a side note, I think the stuff smells pretty good.


Any hair/scalp staining with folligen can be rinsed out in a few minutes with fresh lemon juice amd water mixed 50/50.


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Talk about an old thread!

Cliff notes version since my irritation battle is a long story of ups and downs........

I was dumb and used Fliigen spray and lotion at the same thime..

that is what caused the red bumps

also dilluted the spray 50/50 in distilled water

later got sick of the green color

went to American crew since it is clear

AC works great

now trying Tricomin, works great too

will go back to American Crew when bottle is done to save money,