Folligen Itch and Shed: Letter to Dr. Pickart

Molecular Help

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I've been using folligen spray for the past couple weeks and had been noticing a bit of shedding each time I used it, and overall it was making my scalp itch more all the time- just randomly throughout the day more so that usual. So I emailed Dr. Loren Pickart to ask him about these problems. I mentioned in my email that I'd been using it each night after my shower, with about 5-6 sprays. Here's his reply:

Use much less of the Folligen. You also should dilute it 50% with water.
You can store it in a refrigerator. Just back off use then restart it very lightly.
One spray at most at first. The Folligen should reduce any itching in time.

Most men see a reduction of shedding in a month. But some see more at first -
the same has been seen for minoxidl and propecia. Hair shafts remain in the follicle
about four months after stopping growth. If an increased growth of new hair shafts occurs,
then increased shedding is observed for a time.


Loren Pickart

Good advice from the source for anyone experiencing this, I can remember seeing it come up a few times on here.



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Molecular Help said:
I've been using folligen spray for the past couple weeks and had been noticing a bit of shedding each time I used it, and overall it was making my scalp itch more all the time- just randomly throughout the day more so that usual. So I emailed Dr. Loren Pickart to ask him about these problems. I mentioned in my email that I'd been using it each night after my shower, with about 5-6 sprays. Here's his reply:

Use much less of the Folligen. You also should dilute it 50% with water.
You can store it in a refrigerator. Just back off use then restart it very lightly.
One spray at most at first. The Folligen should reduce any itching in time.

Most men see a reduction of shedding in a month. But some see more at first -
the same has been seen for minoxidl and propecia. Hair shafts remain in the follicle
about four months after stopping growth. If an increased growth of new hair shafts occurs,
then increased shedding is observed for a time.


Loren Pickart

Good advice from the source for anyone experiencing this, I can remember seeing it come up a few times on here.


Ehhhhhhhhhh..........he told me in an email that Folligen won't cause a shed. I will see if I still have it. I think he is a respectable and solid businessman with ethics so there must have been a misunderstanding with my question.

BUT he did say the same thing in regards to backing off and dilluting. I used the spray for awhile and I agree it is way too strong but a solid product regardless.

MH, he left out one part. Distilled water is the best way to go. 99 cents a gallon so you will have a bit left over :)

Molecular Help

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I would be interested in seeing that letter if you're able to find it! I wasn't surprised actually by the sheds... they're nothing too upsetting and I'd definitely heard of temporary Cu-peptide induced sheds on this board. I also vaguely remember reading about them in the info that came with my folligen order, but I can't seem to find that at the moment.



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Oh wow.

I guess that's why I've been shedding a little bit over the past few weeks of using Folligen spray.

I 'go hard' too... after my shower when my scalp is semi-dry, I have been pumping that sprayer to cover my entire crown area, up close to my hair so that it soaks in nicely.. I've been using at least 6 sprays !

I notice the stinging/itch for a few minutes after it absorbs but I then comb my scalp and relieve the itch.

I suppose I should back off for a bit and reduce spray amount, like the good Dr. said.

I don't know about dilluting it though, but perhaps I will simply apply it when my scalp is fully WET after a shower from now on.

I think it's gonna help stimulate new growth!


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How do I go about diluting the folligen? Do I just add water to the folligen bottle. If so, how much water should I add to the bottle. Also Dr. Pickart suggests starting slowly i.e. 1 or 2 sprays at first. Where should these sprays be i.e. top of the scalp?

Molecular Help

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Well I'm no expert, but I'll tell you what I get out of the advice: Dump out half of the folligen you have left into some other little bottle with a cap, use distilled water to fill it up to where it was previously, and hold it far enough so that the spray lightly covers the entire top of the head. My whole head has been itchy. If you only have one area that is inflammed/balding, I guess just spray there, but far away.