Folligen or american crew revitalize?! GAH!


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Which one would you use? And why if your not feeling too lazy!!!

I have used both and well I dont know which one to use!

Folligen: Slight tingling sensation after using it, but never has given me irritation.. I just feel nothing.. just that tingling sensation after applying it.

American Crew: My scalp has a nice cool feeling, I can actually feel it sitting on my scalp.

Which one which one!! HELP ME!!! :hairy:


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IMO, Folligen is much, much better.

The Tricomin currently available to the public is not the same strength that was used in the FDA trials. They claim that their "enhanced delivery system" more than compensates for that, but I believe that is pure marketing BS. I have been around MANY hairloss forums for close to 5 years now, and the only positive thing I've heard about Tricomin is that it feels good on the scalp(which is no doubt due to the menthol it contains) and that it is a nice leave in conditioner. Nothing for helping for hairloss.

On the flip-side, I have heard several good reports about Folligen in its crucial role to help with inflammation. Its only downside is that it stings for the first few weeks of use, but that eventually subsides.

I have used both. Tricomin makes my hair look nicer after it was applied and Folligen makes it look like sh*t. However, Folligen did a much better job at soothing my scalp and making my hair look better in the long run. I feel it is a good adjunct for other products such as minoxidil and Finasteride.


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But doesnt folligen leave your hair green? Thats the only reason I havent used it.


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Folligen shouldn't be used if you have blond hair. I have very dark hair and it does not stain it at all. It DOES make your hair look like crap after applied so it is best applied at night. If you want something to apply during the day that will make your hair look good use Tricomin, although I believe Tricomin is nowhere near as effective as Folligen.


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JWM said:
Folligen shouldn't be used if you have blond hair. I have very dark hair and it does not stain it at all. It DOES make your hair look like crap after applied so it is best applied at night. If you want something to apply during the day that will make your hair look good use Tricomin, although I believe Tricomin is nowhere near as effective as Folligen.

In a sense it is if you look at it from the angle that you can use it everyday since you can go out with it on. With Folligen I tend to skip a lot of days due to the color. It's all how you can use it.