Folligen reaction when combined with minoxidil


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I have been applying my regimen in this order:

spironolactone, xandrox, folligen.

Immediately after applying the folligen and rubbing my had on my scalp, I notice a very bright green on my hands and scalp. This green also comes along with a slight goo that I can rub off my fingers (kind of like green skin?)

I'm wondering if the copper in the folligen is reaction with the acid in the xandrox? Should I be considered that these two are simply canceling each other out?

Also after applying the folligen my hair because very sticky. it's like I sprayed my hair with a ton of hair spray and blow dried it... very strange.

not me!

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Though I do not have any personal experience with Folligen I have heard of this occurence. I believe that the Folligen websites gives tips to manage this sort of occurence from happening. It may involve the amount and time delay in useage. If not, just email them. I do know that they respond rather quickly and accurately to emails.