Folligen spray, cream or lotion?


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I am thinking about starting using folligen since I have stopped most of my regime now for various reasons.

I know my scalp condition isn't great, theres often a feeling of tenderness in areas and itches a fair bit due to the hairs coming out. Also after I've washed my hair theres normally a thick layer of wet dead skin cells on the top of my scalp where I'm thinning, and if I drag my finger nails across it I get a thick layer under my nails, gross I know. Luckily when it dries it doesn't seem to flake off.

Anyway, I was wondering which is better to use out of spray, cream and lotion. I have very short hair so guess I could apply any since my scalp is easily accsessible.

My main concern is the green staining - due to my short hair and thinning on top a green scalp would be very noticible since my scalp can be seen anyway. I was thinking maybe the cream would not stain like the spray. Any ideas?



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I also noticed that on this site it is only the spray which is specifically listed under the 'regrowth' section in the product store. Does this mean the spray is more effective?


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Go for the spray, it is definitely the strongest of the 3. Be warned though, it IS a powerful product that will likely sting upon application for the first couple of weeks. The stinging DOES indeed subside, so stick with it.

FYI, Folligen is good for inflammation and is a powerful copper peptide product, but if it's regrowth you're after, you can't beat minoxidil.