Fools for trying?


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Ok, here's an embarassing thing. I'm 21 years old, a college student used to partying and having a good time, and I'm balding. I'm pretty sure people notice it, probably not right away, but if they get close enough they do. It makes things a little bit difficult, and makes us all a little paranoid. Somehow, we all try and hide the fact that we're balding.

Which leads me to my story. My friends were over one night and one of them went to use my bathroom. Apparently I left the minoxidil bottle out (either that or my friend was snooping) and so my friend comes out and shows it to everyone. It seems like society looks down on balding people, but laugh at them when they try to do something about it. I wasn't bothered by the jokes (even balding I'm better looking than those guys), but it has made me wonder why its amusing for balding men to fight back against their hairloss.

I don't get it. Now is probably the best time for balding men. We have Minoxidil, Propeica, Nizoral. And just a few short years after Propecia was released, their's duasteride. It seems that working treatments are arising even faster and faster than before. Now they're working on hair cloning and gene therapy. It looks like a cure is just years away (well...maybe not a cure...but better treatments perhaps).

So I don't think we're fools for trying to fight back. We would be fools if we sat around and did nothing. (Fools with a lot more money in their pockets though)


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I'm living proof that this sh*t works and that male pattern baldness can be beaten.

In a sick way, hair loss has been a good thing in my life. It got me in the gym and in shape, got me to appreciate sh* cetera.


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Axon, you said you're living proof. How much re-growth have you seen with your regimen. Btw, I think your avatar is hilarious...she just falls right in...and the hole is just as big as she is.


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Making a joke about Minoxidil is like making a joke about toothpaste.

I'd rather be bald than have a scummy looking nasty rotten bunch of teeth for a smile.


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Humans are still elying on instincts and primative idea, it's only thru human culture that we have been able to advance so far. The brain and mind for the most part are still geared for a time when we lived in tribes and men faught for domanance and power(just look at the greed and war around you). The reason people look for excuses to put others down and hame fun of them is to affirm thier status as a leader male/female in the group. So if someone is puting you down for no reason it's basically to make themselfs feel better and superior, which their instincts are telling them to do.

You can either ignore and get over it, or assert them and try to disable thei attack. Or you could simply gouge thier eyes out and make them blind so you can call them blindo....but you might end up in jail for that one.


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I do agree that better treatments are on the way....i bet alot of them we havent even heard of and technology is going by so fast ..i mean think about it like this......50 years ago color tv was amazing.


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blue said:
I do agree that better treatments are on the way....i bet alot of them we havent even heard of and technology is going by so fast ..i mean think about it like this......50 years ago color tv was amazing.

I have always thought techology in the hair department has been extremely slow to advance, at least for public use. People have been worried about going bald for over 1,000 years and all we have today is a few treatments that keeps the hair from falling out (and grows on top of the head in just some patients). And we only discovered these treatments because of side effects from these drugs for other conditions. I guess it could be worse, currently there is nothing to keep us from ageing :( Go stem cells!!!


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stepbehind said:
Axon, you said you're living proof. How much re-growth have you seen with your regimen. Btw, I think your avatar is hilarious...she just falls right in...and the hole is just as big as she is.


I was a Norwood 2, I'm now a 1.5.

I had about a 3" thin spot on my crown, now it's more like 1".