For all those that believe Gho, shame on you.

Cal Que Later

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Just visited the Mecca of Gho at and just learned that Gho has once again conveniently pushed back the due date of his Hair Multiplication. Yesterday the due date was at the latest 2006, now it has been updated to at the soonest 2006. I think the moderators should be getting ready for a flood of disgruntled hairsite people coming to this site, because the folks over there are very restless and are calling for a lynching.


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Naw, They will stick to him like stink on crap. Really, REALLY stinky crap

Cal Que Later

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True there are a few of them there that have to be related to him, but there are definaltly some people ticked off and begining to realize that he stretching the truth a bit when it comes to his HM.


So f*****g what.

Its not a compettion versus Hairsite or Gho versus all the other H.T docs in the world. Were all in this together and i support the guy and respect what hes trying to do. Whether he fails or not with H.M i still applaud him for trying. So who gives a f*** if it H.M doesent come out in 2006 or 2008 or whenever.

Im not pro-Gho or pro-Hairsite im just sick of twats trying to put the man down just because he keeps his cards close to his chest. Some people get thier panties in a twist over anything....oooooooh nooooooooo another week gone by and H.M is not out. :freaked:

Cal Que Later

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The whole f*****g point is that they censor anything is against Gho over there. The other f*****g point is that people that don't know that Gho has lied a few times now about HM believe in what he is saying when he has produced no proof what so ever that he is even researching hair cloning. So you might want to save your applause for him until it is found out if he is even doing any legitimate research on hair cloning at all, instead of putting any trust in him.


True Hairsite do censor pretty much all negative comments about Gho. But I try and put faith in people until proven otherwise.

One day it will be GHO time for H.M!

I put that in bold baby, because its gold, pure gold.

Yes theres something strange about the relationship about Gho and Hairsite but i dont lose any sleep over it. I needs my beauty sleep.

Sorry for all the F- words before......


Kidding. :laugh:

Cal Que Later

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Not a f*****g problem at all. Even though Gho is more full of sh*t than a constipated elderly person.


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f*** :smoke:


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huh, I believe 2006 was the oringal prediction?

Either way I could care less. My hair is doing as well as it's even done and there are plently of other promising treatments to look forward to besides HM.

BTW f*** David and f*** his bullshit censorship....God I love this forum. Keep up the good, libertarian work Kevin. Hells yeah go!

Cal Que Later

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Funking-A there are a f*****g lot of fucks in this f*****g post. Ahh f*** I just added to the f*****g madness, f***.
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According to another hair loss site's forum , they were talking bout the deletion of msgs on hairsite dot com. Recently there was a Gho meet and greet convention and the news wasnt too positive from Dr. Gho about his progress on HM. Someone who went to the convention posted this on the forums and there were many negative posts that followed after. Needless to say, all the posts were deleted.

Personally I think Gho is a ghoat-f****r. I give him respect for trying, but he is a f****r for constantly beating around the bush.

BTW did u see the guy who transplanted his cheat hair to his head (on Hairsite). OMG looks f*****g disgusting. Idiot should have stayed bald.

Cal Que Later

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Ya I saw that post and even posted on it saying this post will be gone in no time because it showed Gho as the hack of a researcher he is. He might be a great hair transplant surgeon but he is inept when it comes to cloning hair, and will be copying someone else’s research to get his HM to work. Recently there was a poll at hairsite that asked whether or not people felt lied to by Gho and don't believe he has very much research done, about 7 people chose the he's a hack/liar option then the poll was conveniently deleted. It's like 6-8 people of there that keep the dream of Gho alive no matter what so it's either 2 people pretending to be more, all of them are some how being compensated for their loyalty, or they are just dumb as a rock and don't know any better.


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zimmy said:
Its not a compettion versus Hairsite or Gho versus all the other H.T docs in the world. Were all in this together
Amen brotha.

zimmy said:
True Hairsite do censor pretty much all negative comments about Gho.
Amen Brotha. They also have completely banned any mention of "hairlosstalk" on their forums. Try typing in "hairlosstalk" and watch what happens to the word after you submit your post. It gets X'd out like this... ########

By the way Cal Que Later, aka A Big Mess ... hi.


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Wow you're right, hairsite has actually banned any mention of HairlossTalk. Thats totally messed up.

We can talk about hairsite all day here. The owner must be terrified of his users finding out about this site. Thats pretty juvenile and dishonest.


The way Hairsite operates is just bizarre. Censoring anything about and anything negative on Gho. Wierd....strange agenda they have there.

I still hope H.M turns out to be a viable procedure whether it is Gho or somebody else who makes it available.

Cal Que Later

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HairlossTalk said:
By the way Cal Que Later, aka A Big Mess ... hi.

Huh? Aka A Big Mess, what is this "America's most wanted?" You seem to of hit a dead end in your search because this is the only name I have. This is a group computer I am using now so God knows how many people use it everyday.


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Group computer Hmmmmmm Busted..... You seem to be the only one int he group as you are on it so much. Don't swett it I got busted once to on a chat site.

Cal Que Later

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Actually it's an office and there are 2 people in it at all times, since there are 3 shifts that's 6 people that are supposed to use. People though seem to come in the office while they are on break and surf around so there is no way to know how many people use it everyday.