for anyone thinking to get a hair piece....DONT


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there so noticable , i spot every single one downtown

even the ones that they say are soo undetectable and once you look

they will start to panic and look at you and look somewhere else then look at you again and that gives it out even more


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nowadays a hairpiece is much better than a hair transplant! with a hair transplant you will never had the hair that you had once...and you have to take pills all life long and you in my opinion these hair pills are not working for everyone...maybe for a 20% of persons...

and looking at the the next pictures you will see that this can be very realistic! Look that even when it's becoming to thin you barely...but barely see the lace...and it is not even attached on someone's head! is just sitting on someone's hand! so...give me a break... just walk down on the street bald when you can fix that!

the first pic is a full what can you spot at that?


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and by the way in this game you will never be normal again...or you will walk bald...or you will have an hair transplant that can not look natural...or even worse you will butchered...but anyway you will end up with thin hair or just wear a wig!


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there's no sense...they look undetectable but not in you have to keep your opinion for you! thera are also videos...not just fotos and I bet if you are seeing those guys on the street you will never know noticed just the bad ones!


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That's a good point. The good ones would look like real hair so you'd only spot the bad ones in the street.


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The first video andrei posted is one I linked a while back.

It is truly f'n amazing, and has actually made me consider a piece as a valid (last resort) option. The only problem is the transition phase.


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Some pieces can look pretty bad! Pieces made with coarse, thick hair, cut short, on a guy with thin hair do look bad! A piece that's a little shaggy and long looks good. I think when you cut your own hair short and make it look "perfect" then a piece really stands out.

I think the best way to go is to find a good supplier, order a custom piece, then let a pro cut it in. All these things are hard to do, but will pay off in the end.


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Don't you have to replace them regularly though? Has anyone got any idea what a typical annual spend on maintaining one is?


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FSHGLD said:
Don't you have to replace them regularly though? Has anyone got any idea what a typical annual spend on maintaining one is?

I'm looking at this right now. In my opinion it can be done quite comfortably for $1500 annually. Some do it for much less, but I think this is a realistic costing for most people.

Key points to not look like an idiot:

1. Don't make it too dense.

2. Don't put it too low. (In fact a NW2 is killer on a piece because no one suspects it!)

3. Get the blend with your existing hair right.

4. Get the hairline right, or, if you're an amateur, get a style where it's partially concealed (e.g. 'messed up' in front).

5. Re-attach it weekly.


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For many years I had very good luck with mail order "stock" pieces from a company in Los Angeles. Their supplier is different now and the pieces are crap. I used to order the "Thin Skin, Human Hair Injected" type. You wash it, right out of the box, let it dry....then apply a boxed hair color in a blonde shade for the look of natural sun bleaching...something you have to do yourself. If you streak the hair and lighten the ends it looks very REAL! It's a big job but well worth the effort.

I think the reason some pieces are so detectable is the can't just stick it on your head and forget it. When I used to wear shorter hair I ALWAYS checked myself in the mirror before I feft the house, Front, sides and BACK view!

And NEVER, if you can help it, comb the piece straight down into your own hair! Comb it back on the sides with a (kind of) duck tail looks more natural.

I am looking for a good supplier right now. I tried this place in Florida, called Hollywood..etc.. TERRIBLE, AWFUL, THE WORST!!!!! Their Thin Skin type shed all over me, the house, my food, etc.... The Lace Front was okay, but the added grey to the temples was done with frizzy white hair.....I have these big white puffs on the sides of my head!!!! In my case, I know how to make corrections by cutting and coloring.....but I'll never order from those clowns again! Two bad pieces were enough!


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Boondock said:
I'm looking at this right now. In my opinion it can be done quite comfortably for $1500 annually. Some do it for much less, but I think this is a realistic costing for most people.

That's me out then..don't think my hair is worth that much to me...I'm NW3v-NW4 anyway so I could never pull off the transition, but even if I was NW2 I don't think i'd consider it tbh. I can see the appeal though...but it seems pretty risky...It'd put me off getting in proper relationships for fear of being found out. I'm not really sold on the idea, unless you don't respond to meds AT ALL.

You're bang on about point 2, a lot of wig wearers are way too ambitious with their hairline positioning.


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FSHGLD, don't worry about being found out. On your 2nd, or even your 1st date just say, I wear a hairpiece, it gets me ahead in business and I make MORE MONEY, do you have a problem with that???? Be honest up front. Don't forget, we're all people, this person you're dating might have a few little problems too!


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Do you sleep with a piece? How can you wash your scalp? That's disgusting,


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As far as I know, most pieces have a mesh base, which means when you wash the hair the scalp is washed too. However, most people take them off once a week or more to wash the scalp underneath more thoroughly.

I essentially agree with xhippie's line of thought. For me it's actually true. I stand to earn a lot less money in my career as a bald man than one with hair, and this effect has been proven in studies. f*** that sh*t. Not only does it make me want to wear hair more, but it means it makes more sense: the cost of the piece will be offset by the extra earnings you'll get over a lifetime.

I would rather just deal with the hassle and get on with my life than become a permanent member of the bald underclass because of how crap it looks on me. As I've said before, I probably spend more time on this site every week than it takes to do the attachement and maintenance.


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Boondock said:
As far as I know, most pieces have a mesh base, which means when you wash the hair the scalp is washed too. However, most people take them off once a week or more to wash the scalp underneath more thoroughly.

I essentially agree with xhippie's line of thought. For me it's actually true. I stand to earn a lot less money in my career as a bald man than one with hair, and this effect has been proven in studies. f*ck that sh*t. Not only does it make me want to wear hair more, but it means it makes more sense: the cost of the piece will be offset by the extra earnings you'll get over a lifetime.

I would rather just deal with the hassle and get on with my life than become a permanent member of the bald underclass because of how crap it looks on me. As I've said before, I probably spend more time on this site every week than it takes to do the attachement and maintenance.

Well I think it depends what field you're trying to get into. Baldness can actually be an asset in some careers, obviously not modeling or acting. However if wearing hair makes you feel happier or more secure by no means do I look down upon it.


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Nene said:
Boondock said:
As far as I know, most pieces have a mesh base, which means when you wash the hair the scalp is washed too. However, most people take them off once a week or more to wash the scalp underneath more thoroughly.

I essentially agree with xhippie's line of thought. For me it's actually true. I stand to earn a lot less money in my career as a bald man than one with hair, and this effect has been proven in studies. f*ck that sh*t. Not only does it make me want to wear hair more, but it means it makes more sense: the cost of the piece will be offset by the extra earnings you'll get over a lifetime.

I would rather just deal with the hassle and get on with my life than become a permanent member of the bald underclass because of how crap it looks on me. As I've said before, I probably spend more time on this site every week than it takes to do the attachement and maintenance.

Well I think it depends what field you're trying to get into. Baldness can actually be an asset in some careers, obviously not modeling or acting. However if wearing hair makes you feel happier or more secure by no means do I look down upon it.

In my opinion, it harms a young man in most areas of business.

You might not get rejected for 'being bald'. But your interview report will probably say you were less 'dynamic' than the NW1 you were competing against.