for bimatoprost users please chime in.


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im currently using avodart with success...has halted loss and thickened up exhisting hair and i have no side effects that i am aware of. i just would like to add a growth stimulator to add a bit more density and i dont respond to minoxidil and even if i did, from the studies i have read, i only seems to work for a year or so and them you eventually go to a point where its worse off that if you never used it. so anyway, im very interested in bimatoprost and from what i have read is that its should work better than minoxidil and not need daily applications to maintain once the hair is not only thickened existing hair but caused new hair growth( this is not to be confused with new follicles, it simply grew multiple hairs from existing follicles) these reports seem encouraging but im still unsure of the quality of what is currently being purchased curious about results anyone is currently getting as with eyelashes, results can be seen in as little as 3 weeks, now i understand hair is different but you guys have been using 3-4 times the strength if i am not mistaken and doing this for over 3 months...if you have no new growth i think it may be time to question the i off base??? short of paying to have it professionally tested, there are simple ways to give you an idea what you are dealing with.....with very basic equipment one could test the drugs melting or boiling point and if its within the range it could at least allow you to rest assured its most likely not fake, although a true test would be the best way to go. anyway, my gf is a doctor and i was looking for a more legit source in the states as im sure they would sell to her..anyone have any ideas or are all sources sorry i just dont trust the chinese when it comes to something like this.....anyone with the recourses to manufacture this wouldnt bother selling a couple grams at a time...besides, i worked as a customs broker for several years and the chinese are the worst when it comes to selling fake, worthless, broken, substandard, and just about every crap you can think of and it got so bad we had to hire someone to move to china and sit in their factories all day and watch our merchandise being manufactured and packaged as to ensure we got the correct goods and correct amount...the factory eventually stopped selling to us..not because we didnt pay, but because we made it impossible for them to scam us any longer and they realised that if they were forced to sell us what they promised it would be, they would lose money...doing business with the chinese face to face is nearly impossible...i couldnt imagine just sending them a check and them sending a white powder that they know you cant verify...i hope i am wrong but since no one had a responce yet i believe it to be fake.


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Time and time again, Placebo produces up to a 15% positive results form many drugs. Consequently, I have had about a 15% increase in hair. Just kiddin. Think positive brotha :)