FOR SALE - LNH Laser Helmet - 104 lazers. Hair Re-Growth Stimulator

Mens Rea

Senior Member
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Mods, please don't remove this - if I've put this in the wrong section, please let me know.

This thread is for the sale of my own LNH Laser Helmet.

Instead of me copying and pasting stuff, here are the links with all the details of this exact model:

You'll see they sell for $695 new.

This helmet is good as new, barely used and works perfectly. I actually did find that it stopped my shedding but I honestly don't have the discipline for this and more importantly, i think my hair loss is a tad too aggressive for it to make a big difference.

I do think this is one of the best helmets out there and i do believe in the technology. Like any treatment, it's no miracle cure but I'm fairly confident it can help someone on here.

I spent, if i recall correctly, £400 on this when i bought it - which was a steal in itself. It was a demo helmet from a reseller that did hair transplants if memory serves. I've barely used it either (too lazy!!) so it's still in perfect condition.

I'm looking for £300 plus delivery. That's $470.

Let me know quickly though as im trying to free up some money so i'll also advertise elsewhere and locally.

I'll post anywhere within reason.