For the guys in college


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Just wondering if anyone else is a college Norwood spotter, and what your average Norwood count for the day is while walking around campus.

Today was the first day of classes of the semester for me and I could not help but Norwood spot the entire time. Ended up depressing myself a bit as damn near everyone is a NW1. Out of the hundreds of hairlines I noticed I saw about 20 NW2s like me. A handful of NW3s, and two NW4/5 guys (all college age). Everybody else was a thick NW1.

Some of the heads of hair you see are just insane. Some guys just have obscene amounts of hair - it's almost sickening. For some reason, being on this site and just thinking about baldness in general I get the idea in my head that most guys my age are NW2, but in reality that is far from the truth. Reality is, it's not really normal to have lost ANY hair in college. Even slight receding hairlines look out of place. I can cover mine alright, but its still enough to cause a complex at times....


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Thickandthin said:
Just wondering if anyone else is a college Norwood spotter, and what your average Norwood count for the day is while walking around campus.

Today was the first day of classes of the semester for me and I could not help but Norwood spot the entire time. Ended up depressing myself a bit as damn near everyone is a NW1. Out of the hundreds of hairlines I noticed I saw about 20 NW2s like me. A handful of NW3s, and two NW4/5 guys (all college age). Everybody else was a thick NW1.

Some of the heads of hair you see are just insane. Some guys just have obscene amounts of hair - it's almost sickening. For some reason, being on this site and just thinking about baldness in general I get the idea in my head that most guys my age are NW2, but in reality that is far from the truth. Reality is, it's not really normal to have lost ANY hair in college. Even slight receding hairlines look out of place. I can cover mine alright, but its still enough to cause a complex at times....

Older college students are higher up the Norwood scale for sure.

Freshers are thick NW1/0s.


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I never go out 'norwood spotting'; that seems a bit pointless to me, and I couldn't really care if someone is going bald. At university (I finished a few months ago) none of my friends were balding and that didn't surprise me. In my experience a balding man under the age of 21 is quite rare. It probably feels more common simply because you're on a hair loss forum.


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Honestly....if I had a NW2 I would just keep up with your treatments and not think about it at all. NW2 is definitely not the end of the world. Your face is still framed well and you have many styling options. I bet most people dont even notice your NW2 as balding/receeding. In my case (nw3) I feel my face is not framed well anymore and it throws everything off. My styling options are more limited too. I too was freaking out when I had a nw2, but now looking back I would KILL to have that old nw2 hairline back. Keep ur head up


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Today was my first day of class and to make it worse i live in a place where theres lots of spanish/mexicans, all of them have perfect thick black hair. Luckily most of them are pretty short 5'6-5'8, while im 6'2.

uncomfortable man

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So you also realize then how rare (in a bad way) nw5s actually are now, right?


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Nuli said:
Luckily most of them are pretty short 5'6-5'8, while im 6'2.

Thanks :shakehead: just kidding

Nah, I don't see any point.


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yeah I notice the majority have full heads of hair...some have recession and only very few have noticeable hairloss....I'm one of only 5-10 guys my age with a shaved head (meaning with a no guard or a razor, not just a buzz cut) out of anywhere from 5-8 thousand males. I try to embrace it as a way of standing out be that cool guy with a bald head despite being a complete rarity...I know that even if a lot of people look my way its not necessarily in a negative way, its more of an inquisitive thing.


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When they reach their 30s, most of them will be NW5s.

I've been away from my home town for several years. I've returned to Funchal last year and I found out that almost all my former school mates are now completely bald! I'm still a NW2, thank God (and proscar) for that.


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I was at uni/college until my late 20s. There were lots of guys with thinning hair in grad school.


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I have observed that most of the nw2s and worse are generally all white guys. I have seen some quite bad diffusers, and a lot of n2-n3's and some fully bald guys - and nearly every single one is white.

The indian guys mostly all have perfect hair, tight and neat, Norwood 0-1. Some of the black guys are losing a bit of hair, but losing hair doesnt really effect them as much as a white guy.

Ever since I started losing hair, I became an avid norwood spotter, you just cant help it. Its depressing seeing all the older guys who look terrible and have male pattern baldness, but seeing the occasional guy who looks good is a nice feeling.

Does anyone find after a big weekend of drinking and not eating so well, it feels as if their hairline has noticably receded? Im not sure if it has, but my forehead definity feels somewhat bigger..I think its also as I get my haircut military style(well not nessacerly that short but like 1-2 on sides, and about 3 on top), so when my hair grows out it looks like I have lost more, which I guess I might have. Perhaps getting it cut short all the time you dont realise the continuing recession as much?


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I think you're noticing mature hairlines more than symptoms of male pattern baldness. I knew a guy who I thought was going bald at 17 because his hairline went back to suddenly but he is 30 now and his hairline or still hasnt changed.


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metalheaddude said:
I think you're noticing mature hairlines more than symptoms of male pattern baldness. I knew a guy who I thought was going bald at 17 because his hairline went back to suddenly but he is 30 now and his hairline or still hasnt changed.

Was this in reference to my post? First of all, this whole 'mature' hairline talk is BS imo. Once you start losing hair at 20, you are losing hair. There is a difference between very very slight recession and male pattern baldness. The guys im talking about in college will most probably be heading towards nw5 in the next 10-15 perhaps 20 years if lucky.


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I did not see a lot of undergraduate students who were losing their hair but I definitely saw graduate students who were around a Norwood 4 or higher.

Many of the graduate students that I saw with a Norwoord 4 or higher were in their early thirties.


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Coming from a guy who wishes he was castrated? :shakehead:

I work in a high school, the highest Norwood there amongst the pupils is NW2.
this is ages 11 - 18.
The 16 - 18 year olds all have NW1's and very rarely NW2's.
none worse than that.


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Well yeah - even I was a NW1 in high school. Probably hit NW1.5 around senior year though, but had no clue about the Norwood scale or hairlines or anything like that.

I continue to be amazed at the hair I see on campus. I think my new figure is something like 90% NW1 - no exaggeration either. I realize that a lot of them will probably begin balding within 5 years or so, but it just sucks to already be covering my temples when most of the guys I see have chimp hairlines and the thickest hair you can imagine.


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cuebald said:
Coming from a guy who wishes he was castrated? :shakehead:

I work in a high school, the highest Norwood there amongst the pupils is NW2.
this is ages 11 - 18.
The 16 - 18 year olds all have NW1's and very rarely NW2's.
none worse than that.

The castration thing was a joke. My balls are the most important peice of my body (more important than my brain, my hair etc.)
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Yup, I'm a college student and compulsive norwood spotter, in all contexts of life. Needless to say, the young population of universities are generally norwood 1s and 2s (I'm 2 with diffuse thinning so don't feel so alien), but you do see the occasional young properly balding guy. When I see young men with advanced balding I feel like congratulating them for just getting on with life, rather than being like me, and endlessly brooding and fighting it with meds.
This may sound quite bad, but even recently at my gran's funeral I was norwood spotting (yes, that isn't healthy), and I noticed this old man I've never seen before, must have been in his 70s, with the thickest norwood 0 I've ever seen...Seriously, a perfect juvenile hairline and great density. Maybe a wig, but he seemed like just an old working class guy who wouldn't be vain enough to bother with such things.